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Vista Security P&#!!-ing Contest

Feel free to file this under the "Duh!" category. Security company PC Tools spent last week arguing that Vista isn't all that secure and that third-party tools are needed for safe computing.

Of course, there are some systems where you can more or less get away with no add-on virus/malware protection. Of the four Macs I've bought and paid for (then promptly gave away to my children), none have ever had security software. Linux is the same.

But Microsoft has never said that Vista fits in that category. For gosh sakes, isn't Redmond trying to sell us all Forefront or OneCare?

Microsoft responded to PC Tool's attacks by claiming the Vista security really isn't as bad as PC Tools made out. Like in any good p&#!!-ing contest, PC Tools immediately shot back, claiming that Vista security really is as bad as PC Tools made out.

Children, children, let's try to behave, shall we?

Posted by Doug Barney on May 19, 2008
