Amid Copilot Blitz, Microsoft Describes Partners' Roles

Copilot does not just "democratize AI" for Microsoft's end user customers; it democratizes AI for its partners, too.

SharePoint Embedded Becomes Generally Available

After a six-month preview, SharePoint Embedded, an API-based version of SharePoint that developers and ISVs can use to embed Microsoft 365 capabilities into their apps, is now generally available.

Microsoft To Add ISV Designations to MCPP

Microsoft's top partner executives detailed several changes it plans to make to the 6-month-old Microsoft Cloud Partner Program (MCPP).

Former Microsoft Channel Chief Schuster Joins Nerdio's Board

Microsoft ISV Nerdio announced this week that it was adding former Microsoft channel chief Gavriella Schuster to its board of directors.

Microsoft's Margin Sharing Scheme for CSPs and ISVs Hits Public Preview

A new capability called "CSP margin sharing" in Microsoft's partner solutions marketplace is now available for all ISVs to test drive.

Microsoft Partner Nerdio Talks Windows 365 and Cloud PC

Microsoft's upcoming desktop-as-a-service offering is "nothing but opportunity" for partners, according to Vadim Vladimirskiy, Nerdio's founder and CEO.

Microsoft Partners Nintex and AssureSign Ink Acquisition Deal

Nintex this week announced it is acquiring Microsoft ISV partner AssureSign, which makes digital signature solutions for Dynamics 365 and other CRM platforms.

Microsoft's Top 350 U.S. Partners

Who are the best Microsoft U.S. partners? You'll find them in this list of the top 350 Microsoft partners, from global systems integrators to data specialists to regional operators.

Microsoft's Channel Finds Its Place in the Expanding Azure Ecosystem

As Azure gains ground in the public cloud space and Microsoft refines its partner organization to make Azure sales more enticing, an ecosystem of offerings is springing up around the platform. We take a look at the opportunities for partners to offer Azure-based services.

Microsoft Lets ISVs Embed Its Solutions in Their Apps

Microsoft has unveiled a new program that would let ISVs developing on Azure to bolt other Microsoft solutions onto their applications.

After 6 Years, Microsoft Shutters Azure DataMarket

Azure DataMarket, Microsoft's app marketplace where developers could access data services to power apps and analytic projects, will be shut down on March 2017.

5 Big Cloud Reveals from ISVs at WPC 2016

BitTitan, Dropbox, StorageCraft, Independence IT, Infinite Ops and SkyKick are among third-party vendors updating their cloud-related tools in Toronto.

Metalogix Launches Partner Program for SharePoint-to-Office-365 Migrations

Metalogix, a top Microsoft ISV, is expanding its partner program in a bid to help systems integrators (SIs) move their on-premises SharePoint customers to Office 365.

Microsoft Posts Windows 10 App Compatibility Resource for ISVs

Microsoft has launched a new Web site to help independent software developers (ISVs) broadcast their applications' compatibility with Windows 10.

No Coding Required: How To Develop IP Without Developers

Just about everybody seems to think that the only way to create your own IP is to become a developer. As one Microsoft partner shows, that's not the case.