In an ocean of MCSEs, how do you make yourself stand out?
Marketing Your MCSE
In an ocean of MCSEs, how do you make yourself stand out?
- By Greg Neilson
- July 01, 2000
I’ve run a part-time computer business
from my home for the last three years. I quit to go back
to school because of increasing competition, almost non-existent
margins, and poor quality control across the board. I’m
beginning to feel that finding a job when I’m done with
my MCSE+Internet may be harder then I originally thought.
Here in Canada, there’s a new MCSE every 1.5463 seconds,
or so it seems. At a recent international job fair, I
talked to many employers; most seemed to think “Oh no!
Not another MCSE!” As a consultant, I often found myself
more knowledgeable than the “expert” I was talking to.
How can I convince a potential employer that I’m not just
a paper MCSE and that I actually know how to do many things
and solve problems?
—Tom Bigos, MCP
London, Ontario, Canada
Tom, my first piece of advice is to steer you away from
completing the MCSE+Internet. I’m not convinced that this
certification has much value in the marketplace, and at
this point in your career I think your time would be far
better spent deepening your knowledge of the products
you already know.
You’re probably wondering about that comment since I’m
an MCSE+I myself. That’s because when the MCSE+I program
was announced, I’d already passed eight of the nine exams,
so I needed just one more to complete the requirements.
To add some spice and get people in my position to earn
the title, Microsoft offered another year’s subscription
to TechNet if you completed the MCSE+I by a given date
(my original MCSE TechNet subscription had expired). So
I completed the program and got TechNet for another year,
but the MCSE+I itself has provided little benefit since.
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Perhaps Microsoft will announce a useful premium-level
certification for Win2K MCSEs, but at this time I’d advise
you to complete your MCSE alone. You’re already going
to have to take several Win2K exams to retain your MCSE;
completing your MCSE+I would mean at least seven more
exams in the next couple years—more depending on which
electives you originally chose.
As Steve points out—and I certainly agree—you have quite
a lot of industry experience; you’d do well to leverage
that experience in your job hunt. You’re not a newbie
looking for a first job; rather, you have experience running
a business and have now completed some formal qualifications.
Rather than broadly throwing your resume at everyone,
research the firms in your area that are likely to value
your skills, and target them as potential employers.
A personnel manager may have a differing view on the
hiring process than the actual hiring manager—it’s the
hiring manager’s view that should be all-important. If
you haven’t read the classic book What Color is Your
Parachute?, you should pick up a copy. One of the
points made in the book is that the HR people in the hiring
process are there simply to screen you out; the book recommends
that as you research firms, you approach the hiring managers
You made me laugh a little when you wondered how it could
be that you know more than the supposed “expert” from
time to time. There are plenty of these “experts” out
there; usually they have everyone bluffed for a while.
They seem so sure of themselves—they must know their stuff,
right? Wrong, unfortunately. I once worked at a consulting
firm alongside someone who managed to convince everyone
in the hiring process that he knew his stuff (he could
talk the leg off a chair, and he was very confident of
his abilities). It was only when I worked with him at
a client engagement that I realized he had no idea about
anything. When something went wrong, he randomly changed
things with no rhyme or reason, and thus eventually fixed
it. It took a few months before my management realized
how bad things were, and then another couple of months
to realize that he had to go.
By the way, the company was paying for him to complete
his MCSE. In preparing for the TCP/IP exam during some
un-assigned bench time, he took the Microsoft class, bought
study guides and practice tests, then failed the exam
three times—on each attempt scoring less than 500. (I’d
say that those results re-affirmed for me that the certification
exams do have value and aren’t as easy as we sometimes
believe, even with all the study resources out there.)
So, while there are more of these “frauds” around than
we might like, over time they get found out. Just smile
and don’t bother arguing with them.
Good luck with your job hunting!
About the Author
Greg Neilson, MCSE+Internet, MCNE, PCLP, is a Contributing Editor for MCP Magazine and a Professional Development Manager for a large IT services firm in Australia. He’s the author of Lotus Domino Administration in a Nutshell (O’Reilly and Associates, ISBN 1565927176).