Too busy to take a break? Do yourself a favor and make time.
An IT Pro's Job is Never Done
Too busy to take a break? Do yourself a favor and make time.
- By Em C. Pea
- July 01, 2000
Auntie’s working through the summer (that darned Win2K
rollout planned for later this year has us testing all
summer long), and she isn’t sure when she’ll be able to
take time off. Like the majority of you in the IT business,
Auntie has no life at all.
Sound familiar? Do you pile up vacation days and comp
time faster than the executive branch piles up special
prosecutors? Maybe you used to snicker at taking the traditional
two weeks off, but be honest—wouldn’t you love to?
Our general inability, reluctance, or aversion to taking
time off is a function of our success and the demand for
our services. But like Fabio’s inability to turn away
a pint of Cherry Garcia ice cream, it’s not a healthy
behavior in the long run. Physical and mental fatigue
eventually catch up with you, and you can’t perform the
way you once could.
Time off is a tougher call when you consult for a living.
Take this equation:
Time off = I don’t make any money
This equation doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It needs to
be paired with other formulas that put it into context:
No time off = Brain overload
Brain overload = Can’t do job
Can’t do job = I don’t make any money
Don’t think that I’m preaching from some high and mighty
perspective, either—Auntie works for a living to pay the
mortgage, sure, but also to keep Fabio in suntan lotion
and butter substitutes. It’s unnerving to tell a client
I can’t start on the 23rd when they want me on the 16th.
If you’re a full-time employee, you’re worse off: Accrue
all the vacation time you want, but the corporate culture
may have an unwritten rule discouraging you from actually
taking it. If you’re a staffer for a consulting company,
you’re hit with a double whammy: Your customer doesn’t
want you to take time off and your company will despise
you for losing revenue while you’re on vacation. (“Can’t
you take time after the Fludgobber job’s over?” “When
will that be?” “Uh, 2006.”)
I’m hoping that Auntie can help. Understand that there
is no good time to take vacation, just like there is no
good time to attend a training class or conference. Fight
those unspoken workplace taboos and take the time you
have coming to you. If it gets you in trouble, retool
your resume; you’ll find plenty of IT concerns who understand
that a staff more thoroughly fried than a bucket from
the Colonel isn’t going to generate the revenue or results
of a staff that has had time to rest its brains.
If you’re a manager who doesn’t get this, I’d suggest
looking for another line of work. In the end, your staff
will go elsewhere, and you’ll be scratching your pointy
little head looking for the cause.
Staffer, manager, or consultant, it’s so easy to get
caught up in what we do for a living that we sometimes
lose perspective about what really matters. Profits and
deadlines come and go. Our health and sanity are more
About the Author
Em C. Pea, MCP, is a technology consultant, writer and now budding nanotechnologist who you can expect to turn up somewhere writing about technology once again.