Microsoft Adds Firewall and Caching to DNA 2000
- By Scott Bekker
- June 06, 2000
ORLANDO -- Microsoft Corp.’s Bob Muglia, a group vice president, announced a new server product in the Windows DNA 2000 platform during a keynote address here today at TechEd.
The newest addition to the DNA 2000 wave is Internet Security and Accelerator Server 2000 (ISA), caching and firewall software designed, as the name implies, to make Internet activity more secure while enhancing performance.
The firewall can filter applications, packets and circuits, as well as provide intrusion detection and stateful inspection. Muglia said it protects networks from hackers and Web server attacks, and prevents unauthorized Web usage by employees.
On the caching side, ISA supports RAM caching, Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP), hierarchical caching and scheduled content download. It also can be used to pre-load Web pages which speeds delivery to users. ISA can also be used to offload processing from Web servers.
"We built this server to meet the needs of the largest Web sites," Muglia says.
Beta code is available for download from Microsoft’s Web site, and general availability is expected later this year. – Thomas Sullivan
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.