Percussion Releases Lotus Tools
- By Scott Bekker
- January 12, 2000
Percussion Software released two tools for Lotus Domino environments.
Percussion PowerFlow 5.0 incorporates workflow capabilities into Lotus Domino
applications, and Percussion ServerAdmin Plus for administering Lotus
environments and migrating to Domino R5.
Percussion is also now bundling G2 Associates' ProActive Tools, a capacity and
performance planning product for Notes environments.
The PowerFlow application development tool for adding workflow capabilities is
built with an event-based engine using the Domino API rather than LotusScript.
PowerFlow allows users to dynamically modify the process and the participants for
documents already in process. PowerFlow is integrated with Percussion Notrix, a
data integration tool that allows access to and from Notes and other relational
sources. PowerFlow's interface is an enhanced 3D version of its flexible state
diagram, and includes drag and drop functionality.
One new features in ServerAdmin Plus is the mail file analyzer, which
resolves several mail file problems such as dead mail files, mail files with no
owner, and users with no mail files. The upgrade also includes enhancements to
ServerAdmin Plus modules.
G2’s ProActive Tools simulate a user's Notes environment. System engineers
can then develop reproducible test cases that determine the optimal
configuration for servers and systems or the response times for new
applications, all measured from the user's perspective.
Contact Percussion, (800) 283-0800,
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.