SAFEsuite Adds Protection from Denial of Service attacks
- By Scott Bekker
- December 29, 1999
Internet Security Systems announced that its SAFEsuite line of Internet security software now protects systems against some coordinated Denial of Service attacks.
While SAFEsuite already includes detection and protection for many Denial of Service attacks, the newly released version of RealSecure automatically identifies and responds to programs used in Denial of Service attacks.
A Denial of Service attack consists of one or more users attempting to overload an Internet system by sending too much data or too many requests to the server for it to function correctly. While earlier Denial of Service attacks relied on a series of pings from a single computer, new network daemons such as Tribe Flood Network and trin00 allow users to coordinate attacks from several machines operated remotely.
Earlier versions of SAFEsuite offer protection from Denial of Service attacks from outside machines by detecting which machines are launching attacks, then shutting them out of the system.
RealSecure now searches networks to see if Tribe Flood Network, trin00, or similar programs are running on network machines, and prevents the machines from being used in a Denial of Service attack. In addition, SAFEsuite offers the ability to trace the installation of these daemons.
Denial of Service attacks have gained attention since Internet retailer was threatened with a similar attack, and it was revealed that Apple servers running OS9 were particularly vulnerable to hosting Denial of Service software.
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About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.