It's evident that IT is shifting away from product- and technology-based solutions and toward business-focused solutions. What's your role in all of this?
Business Pain
It's evident that IT is shifting away from product- and technology-based solutions and toward business-focused solutions. What's your role in all of this?
- By Linda Briggs
- May 01, 1999
Everywhere I look lately, I see evidence of a slow shift
in thinking taking place in the IT industry. I predict
it will affect technology professionals from CIOs on down.
As an MCP, are you aware of it?
The gradual move I see is away from product- or technology-focused
solutions and toward business-focused solutions. And the
IT professionals implementing them will have to understand
not just the latest in software and hardware, but how
a business works from the inside out.
A recent email from one of our contributing editors highlighted
the change I’m talking about. Erin Dunigan, an MCSE
and MCT who serves as Products and Technical Service Line
Manager for QuickStart Technologies (publisher of this
magazine), made an interesting point in discussing what
defines a good trainer. Her words also apply to consultants—in
fact, to anyone who wields technical products and expertise
for a living. “It’s no longer ‘good enough’
to be someone who can present technical information from
a book or slides,” Erin noted. “If we’re
effective communicators, we need to search out the student
or client’s business pain and focus our solution
on that. The person who can simply answer any technical
question is out of style.”
She’s making a good point. And that sort of change
in thinking obviously affects you. I see a gradual evolution
in your role as technical expert to include an increased
focus on business skills. It’s something Harry Brelsford
discussed last month in his "Professionally
Speaking" column. “Debating between an MCSE
or an MBA?” Harry asked. “Why not both?”
Harry made the same point Erin is making, albeit from
another angle. Being a skilled technologist is good, but
it’s only part of the equation. Business skills will
become more and more important. Unfair as it might seem—is
there another industry that changes as rapidly as ours,
and that requires as much time to just “stay current”?—that’s
the coming reality for top IT professionals.
We’ve even seen this shift from Microsoft, the most
rabid competitor of all. For example, I recently saw a
Microsoft ad for MCSDs in a computer trade weekly. “MCSDs
[don’t] go into every job assuming that it will end
with a Microsoft solution,” the ad read in part.
“Instead, they go in assuming only that their client
has a problem that needs solving.”
Clever ad copy? Maybe. But also just one more sign of
a growing acknowledgement that your real job is to understand
business problems and produce satisfied clients, whether
they’re internal or external. If that comes from
Windows NT and BackOffice, great. If it comes from Exchange,
fine, but it might also incorporate Lotus Notes. Or Novell.
Or Linux. Your focus, as Erin said, is the customer’s
pain, meaning finding the best business solution.
Even Microsoft’s exams are moving toward a more
solution-oriented focus, although we don’t expect
tests on non-Microsoft products any time soon. If you’ve
taken the new MCSD core requirement beta exam (reviewed
by T.K. Herman in the April
issue), you know that the exam is a strong test of
how a candidate will perform on-site, interviewing an
actual client with a specific and complex business problem.
How well do you understand how your company or client
does business? And what are you doing to get and keep
the business expertise you need to survive?
About the Author
Linda Briggs is the founding editor of MCP Magazine and the former senior editorial director of 101communications. In between world travels, she's a freelance technology writer based in San Diego, Calif.