Are your users out of control? Try using profiles and system policies to manipulate the Windows NT Registry and regain control of your network.
Managing with Profiles and Policies
Are your users out of control? Try using profiles and system policies to manipulate the Windows NT Registry and regain control of your network.
- By Michael Chacon
- April 01, 1999
Last month, I discussed how the Windows NT Registry is
responsible for each individual workstation configuration
and the user’s desktop environment on each workstation.
This architectural aspect of NT is the basis for the systematic
configuration and control of the NT environment. If you
haven’t read it, get out your March issue and grab last month’s column—and while you’re there, read
Joseph Phillips’ article, "Practical
Policies,” which ran in the December 1998 issue of
MCP Magazine. Knowing how we can manually import
and export portions of the Registry makes it easier to
understand how profiles and system policies function on
the network.
Managing User Environments
When a user first logs onto an NT client, a user profile
directory is created using the logon name. The Default
User directory contains an NTUSER.DAT file, which holds
the information used to create each new user’s default
information (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. The Default User directory
contains the information used to create each new user's
default information. |
After the new user has logged onto the machine, an entire
set of directories and the all-important new NTUSER.DAT
are located in the new JULIAC directory (see Figure 2).
The next time this user logs onto the machine, her USER.DAT
file will be loaded into her HKEY_CURRENT_USER Registry
key and applied. Knowing that NT functions in this way,
you can create a reconfigured environment for each new
user that logs onto a particular workstation.
By modifying the contents of the Default User directory,
you can control how every new user’s environment will
look and function as he or she logs onto the workstation.
One way to accomplish this is to bring an NTUSER.DAT file
into the Registry Editor, modify the contents of the hive,
and then copy it into the Default User directory. There’s
also a GUI applet that make this process less accident-prone
and follows the Microsoft recommendation of not using
the Registry Editor.
Figure 2. After the new user
has logged onto the machine, an entire set of directories
and the all-important NTUSER.DAT are saved in the
new user’s directory— in this case, JuliaC. |
The first step is to log onto the workstation with a
template account and, by using the Control Panel applets
(which are special-purpose Registry Editors), configure
the desktop to look and behave as you want for all the
users. This could include such areas as persistent network
connections, start menu options, screen savers, or other
display characteristics. When you log off the system,
the Registry entries will be written to that account’s
NTUSER.DAT file. In addition to the configuration changes
to the NTUSER.DAT file, you can also place documents and
Internet URLs into the appropriate Default User folders.
The next step is to log on as the Administrator account
and open the Control Panel|System Properties applet. Select
the User Profiles tab to bring up a listing of users who’ve
logged onto the system and created NTUSER.DAT files (see
Figure 3).
By selecting the “template” user, you can copy the profile
to the another location—including the Default User directory—by
selecting the Copy To button.
Once this is completed, each new user that logs onto
the workstations will be presented with the environment
that you predetermined from within the template user.
As the users log off, these settings will be written back
to their own NTUSER.DAT file and directory structure under
their own logon name.
Figure 3. Selecting the User
Profiles tab in System Properties displays a list
of the users who’ve logged onto the system and created
NTUSER.DAT files. |
Maintaining Control
Editing NTUSER.DAT files is the most rudimentary form
of profile management. While it is interesting, it raises
many issues about control. First, although you can maintain
a consistent environment for each user by storing their
NTUSER.DAT file on the server, users can change their
own environments and these changes will be written back
to the areas in their profile directory. As the environments
change from the standard version, new less-supportable
versions are created. This problem can be simply resolved
by renaming the NTUSER.DAT to NTUSER.MAN, thus creating
a mandatory profile. This way, users can make changes
to their environment while logged on, but the changes
won’t be written out to the NTUSER.MAN file when they
log off. When users log back onto the system, their unchanged
NTUSER.MAN hive will be loaded into HKEY_CURRENT_USER
and their environment will return to its original state.
Another issue is that you must follow the process I just
described on each workstation so the same environment
can be created on the entire network This is clearly unrealistic.
An alternative solution with the Registry is to move these
hives off of the workstation and onto a central server.
Using the User Profiles applet again, you can move a user’s
profile to a central location, change permissions to the
profile, and have many users share the same profile. In
addition, you can also rename the profile with the .MAN
extension and prevent users from writing changes back
to the profile.
This brings us to an interesting juncture. As I mentioned,
when a user logs on, the local NTUSER.DAT file is loaded
into the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key. If that user logs on with
a roaming profile, however, the roaming profile hive is
located and loaded into the same key, thereby overwriting
the local profile. While the effect is that the roaming
profile takes precedent and is what the user experiences,
the system actually loads two profiles in succession.
This is important to remember when we look at system policies.
Roaming profiles may move us toward a more manageable
solution by centralizing the distribution of configuration
information and delivering that information to multiple
users, but they still pose management problems. First,
we’re left manipulating multiple files on servers. Furthermore,
to create these files we must be logged onto a workstation.
Also, we’re stuck editing hives in the Registry Editor
against Microsoft’s repeated disclaimers. This brings
us to the System Policy Editor.
System Policies
The System Policy Editor is essentially another type
of Registry Editor. It creates a hive that can be centrally
located and used to update the Registries of multiple
machines determined by the machine or the user that logs
onto that machine. The System Policy Editor is a very
powerful tool that rests on the laurels of profile technology.
If you look at the System Policy Editor screen, you can
see that there are initially two objects in the GUI, using
the terminology from the underlying profile technology:
the Default Computer and Default User (see Figure 4).
These two icons map directly to the main two HKEYS in
the Registry. Default Computer represents HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
and Default User represents HKEY_CURRENT_USER. In fact,
if you select the File|Open Registry menu option, the
System Policy Editor will allow you to edit directly the
Local Registry of the machine you run it from. In addition,
if you select File|Connect and enter the NetBIOS name
of a remote computer you can also directly edit remote
Registries (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. The System Policy Editor
initially has two icons: the Default Computer and
Default User. These map directly to the main two HKEYS
The Registry Editor lets you edit Registries on other
machines, regardless of their physical location. |
For example, the configuration that turns on or off a
machine’s ability to be shut down at the logon screen
is displayed in the System Policy Editor (see Figure 5).
In this example the box is checked, so this option is
Figure 5. When editing a machine’s
Registry using the System Policy Editor, you activate
or deactivate options simply by checking the adjacent
box. Here, the configuration that enables a machine
to be shut down at the logon screen has been activated |
When you select an option in the System Policy Editor,
the change is actually made in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon key.
The GUI for the System Policy Editor is built using .ADM
files that display the available Registry options. As
you can also see in Figures 5 and 6, however, many more
options are available in the Registry than are displayed
in the default .ADM System Policy Editor files.
Figure 6. Changes made in the
System Policy Editor are actually made in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon key. The change we made
in Figure 5 shows up here as “1” to denote activation. |
Powerful Network Management
Although the System Policy Editor can be used to edit
Registry files directly, its real power is to create Registry
hives that can be stored in a central location and applied
to machines and users as they’re authenticated on the
network. Refer to Joseph
Phillips’ article to learn how to create configurations
for specific machines, groups, and individual users. The
article also shows how to save all of this information
in one NTCONFIG.POL file stored on the Domain Controllers
or on a specified server to be used as each person is
authenticated on the network.
This is obviously a powerful method for managing networks.
But you must keep in mind the entire profile and system
policy process. When a user is authenticated, the local
NTUSER.DAT file is loaded into the \HKEY\CURRENT_USER
key, which is configured to tell the logon process to
check for the Roaming Profile. If a Roaming Profile is
available for the user, it’s copied to the workstation
and overwrites the local profile. Then things really get
interesting. If there’s an NTCONFIG.POL file, it’s parsed
for the user’s account name, group membership, and machine
name for hives created that apply for this authentication
If the user is a member of several groups that are specified
in the NTCONFIG.POL file, each hive is downloaded and
applied to the Registry in the administrator-specified
order as they’re parsed. After the groups are parsed,
the machine hive is downloaded to the workstation and
that hive is also applied. In a poorly designed policy
file, there could be several hive transfers that overwrite
one another as they come down to the workstation. This
could create significant logon traffic resulting in performance
problems, especially over slow links. What this means
is that the NTCONFIG.POL file is a reservoir of Registry
hives that can be called down to a workstation, layer
upon layer, until the final layer wins.
Additional Information |
For more information on
using profiles and system policies to
manipulate user environments in the Registry,
refer to chapter 3 of the Concepts
and Planning manual for Windows NT Server
4.0. |
Similar But Different
Profiles and system policies are similar beasts. Both
manipulate the Registry, but one is managed centrally
and the other locally or with multiple central files.
If you aren’t using system policy files today, you’d better
get on the stick. Windows 2000 is all about policy files.
The administration GUIs are replete with configuration
options that will be writing to the Registry. Yes, the
Registry still lives in Windows 2000. In fact, where the
Registry ends and the Active Directory begins is still
very much open to debate. But I’ll save that for another