Dell Rounds Out Storage Family
- By Scott Bekker
- December 08, 1998
Following through on an initiative launched last summer, Dell Computer Corp. filled out its storage product line with a family of Ultra SCSI products targeted at corporate users.
The new products include the PowerVault 200S, a disk array built using Ultra 2 LVD SCSI technology, the PowerVault 130T, a DLT library that holds up to 30 cartridges, and a PCI bus RAID Controller that works with its SCSI arrays.
Last June the company unveiled its first stand-alone storage product, the PowerVault 650F, a Fibre Channel-based system that was developed through a relationship the company established with Data General’s Clariion unit early in 1998. At that time, the company said it planned to bring out mid- and low-end technology to backfill around the Fibre Channel system unveiled first. – Al Gillen, Editor in Chief
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.