Informix to Acquire Red Brick
- By Scott Bekker
- October 09, 1998
Informix Corp. (Menlo Park, Calif., announced it will acquire Red Brick Systems Inc. (Los Gatos, Calif.,, a multidimensional database vendor. Based on the closing sales price of Informix common stock on Oct. 7, the transaction is valued at about $35 million.
When the purchase is complete, Red Brick's R&D, marketing and data warehouse consulting organizations will be folded into Informix's data warehousing division. Informix said it intends to sell and support the Red Brick product portfolio, and to integrate the products into the Informix Decision Frontier product line. --Michele Rosen, Staff Reporter, New York Correspondent
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.