VMware's Virtual World Goes Mobile

In VMware's world, nothing is real. Well, some things are -- VMware's hypervisor, its VMware server and certainly revenues, competition, customers and partners are all pretty real. But VMware's business is all about making real things virtual, and now the company is bringing its virtual revolution to a new territory.

This week, the EMC subsidiary introduced a hypervisor for mobile devices that is the result of its recent acquisition of French developer Trango Virtual Processors. Trango's app is now VMware's Mobile Virtualization Platform, and the company is targeting mobile phone makers with its new offering.


Posted by Lee Pender on November 12, 20080 comments

A Product-News Potpourri

Sometimes there's just a lot of news that doesn't require a separate entry for each announcement but nevertheless merits mention in RCPU. That's why you're now smelling the warm, inviting aroma of...a product-news potpourri!

Dell, Seagate and McAfee have a new effort for full-disk encryption.


Posted by Lee Pender on November 12, 20080 comments

Cisco To Power New Yankee Stadium

The House that Ruth Built is just about gone, to be replaced by the house that...Steinbrenner? Jeter? surely not Torre...built. Anyway, Cisco is going to be doing some cool stuff in the new Yankee Stadium. Of course, RCPU's official position on this is the same as its official position on all things New York Yankees: BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (By the way, if you're a non-Yankees baseball fan, we'll warn you that the lead paragraph of the story linked might cause you to vomit all over your keyboard.)

Posted by Lee Pender on November 12, 20080 comments

Microsoft Documents Vista SP1 Failures

Well, failures of driver installations , to be specific...and printers in particular did not fare well.

By the way, many thanks to those of you who have written to share your opinions of Vista SP1 for Redmond magazine's reader review. We're a little late following up with you (sorry about that), but someone from the magazine will be in contact this week.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 11, 20080 comments

Aussie Hosting Deal Rankles Resellers

First things first before we travel halfway around the globe: We'd like to wish a very happy Veterans Day to all and offer our sincere gratitude to all those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Thank you for your service.

Now, let's travel to perhaps the most cliché-ridden place on earth: Australia! Does anybody else remember the "Simpsons" episode in which Bart goes to Australia? (We can't find it on YouTube...sorry.) There's a funny montage in it about Americans' brief fascination with Australia in the 1980s and all the hackneyed clichés and stereotypical characters it gave birth to.


Posted by Lee Pender on November 11, 20080 comments

Light Patch Tuesday on Tap

There will only be two lonely patches for Patch Tuesday this month.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 11, 20080 comments

Developers Wonder About Windows Mobile 7

From the Somebody Must Care About This file comes a story about the uncertain status of Windows Mobile 7.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 11, 20080 comments

Windows 7 Not Looking Too Bad, Some Say

Well, one says , anyway...a blogger who takes a pretty long look at the successor to the forlorn Windows Vista.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 06, 20080 comments

Microsoft Wants To Make BizSpark Fly

It's a tough time to be...well, anything in business right now, it seems. But it's a really tough time to be a startup business, what with credit markets still tight and so forth. But there's some hope for those companies trying to get a technology infrastructure up and running, and it's coming from Microsoft.

BizSpark is a program through which Microsoft is providing lots of technology and services with no up-front costs to companies that are fewer than three years old and earn less than $1 million per year in revenue. It's a shot over the bow of open source for Redmond, which has at times in the past had trouble convincing small companies that the total cost of ownership for Microsoft technology is less than that of open source.


Posted by Lee Pender on November 06, 20080 comments

Cisco Sees Tough Times Ahead

Don't press any panic buttons or anything, but some of the projections coming out of mega-vendor Cisco don't sound too positive -- even if they also shouldn't be too surprising.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 06, 20080 comments

Microsoft Eats Itself with ActiveX

So if Vista's got much better security than XP, what's posing a threat to the pariah operating system? Uh, Microsoft's own ActiveX , actually. And who's making that claim? Er...Microsoft. Yeah. That's a little awkward.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 05, 20080 comments

New Windows Server Component in CTP

It's called Services Connector , which sounds like part of a highway off-ramp or something.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 05, 20080 comments