Microsoft, HP Invite VARs To Host

In case there was any lingering doubt, we can confirm this week that Microsoft is serious about this SaaS -- or even Software Plus Services -- stuff after all. And despite some early concerns, it's becoming clearer that partners won't be as shut out as they might have thought.

This week, Microsoft and HP revealed an initiative aimed at preparing VARs to undertake what's called private-label hosting. Basically, VARs resell applications hosted in datacenters by Microsoft-approved managed service providers (or MSPs, of course); HP and Microsoft provide some technical infrastructure and handy tips for getting started.


Posted by Lee Pender on December 11, 20081 comments

Google Seeks To Bridge App Gap with NaCl

It's apparently -- chemistry majors we were not -- the symbol on the periodic table of for sodium chloride. In any case, NaCl, or Native Client , is Google's effort to bring Web applications up to the same level of performance as desktop apps. And already ink-stained (if we can still be called that in the Web era) journalists are predicting that it could someday spell doom for Microsoft. From the More

Posted by Lee Pender on December 10, 20080 comments

Another UC Software Package, But At Least It's Free

UC still remains (mostly) a mystery to us, but the price tag on this new effort at least makes it interesting.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 10, 20080 comments

The Press and the Global Economic Freak-Out

And so we come back to this because it just won't go away. Despite a recent improvement in the performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, there's still a global economic freak-out in full swing...and journalists and newsletter writers (ahem) aren't exactly keeping a balanced perspective about it. It's time for a little More

Posted by Lee Pender on December 10, 20080 comments

What You Want from Windows 7

So, the beta version of Vista SP2 is now available , which is only important if you bothered with Vista or Vista SP1. Already, the reviews for SP2 beta lack enthusiasm More

Posted by Lee Pender on December 09, 20084 comments and Google Expand Cloud Partnership

The development platform will connect with Google's App Engine in a development-oriented deal between two SaaS titans.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 09, 20080 comments

Microsoft, RSA in Security Pact

Microsoft is integrating RSA's Data Loss Prevention into the Windows infrastructure. RSA, of course, is now part of EMC. So that's EMC's RSA's DLP being integrated into Windows. Got that?

Posted by Lee Pender on December 09, 20080 comments

Microsoft, Fashion House

That's right -- Microsoft has started a clothing line. No, really! And it's called..."Softwear"! Just remember that the marketing guru who dreamed this up probably makes well into six figures, if not more. Check out this story from Macworld , but be ready for a snark attack in the comments section.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 09, 20080 comments

Vista SP2 Beta Available

For those who have bothered to deploy Vista, SP2 is already in beta . The Windows Server 2008 beta is available, too.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 04, 20081 comments

Vista's Days Numbered as Windows 7 Beta Nears

A quick note before we start: Your editor didn't realize until it was too late that there would be no RCPUs the week of Thanksgiving, otherwise known as last week. We had planned to run a barrage of reader feedback that week, but instead we went dark. So, as the holidays near and news inevitably slows over the next couple of weeks, expect some reader feedback from pretty deep in the archives to appear in this space. Your weeks-old e-mail might show up here yet. Don't give up hope! More

Posted by Lee Pender on December 04, 20082 comments

Ingram Offers Microsoft SPLA

Wondering how the channel is going to participate in this whole cloud computing thing? Well, Ingram Micro is now offering Microsoft Service Provider License Agreement to its partners. There's more detail in Ingram's entirely comprehensible (and thank you for that, Ingram) press release

Posted by Lee Pender on December 04, 20081 comments

Microsoft To Add Datacenters

We suppose you could call these the sky in cloud computing...or something like that.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 04, 20080 comments