Will New Yahoo CEO Bring Ballmer Back?

There's a change in management at Yahoo -- will Carol Bartz's arrival attract interest from Microsoft again? And don't you just love newsletter entries that are really just questions?

Posted by Lee Pender on January 15, 20090 comments

Google Searches for Partners

Oh, it's on now. Sure, Microsoft and Google have been competing for a while, battling it out in search and, to a much lesser extent, in productivity suites (which means Microsoft Office and Google Apps, in case you were wondering).

But it's really on now because Google has decided to replicate arguably the smartest move Microsoft ever made: selling through the partner channel. That's right -- Google has a partner program, and it's looking for you.


Posted by Lee Pender on January 15, 20091 comments

Ingram, Tech Data Make Alliances

First Tech Data did it , and now Ingram Micro will offer DataCore's storage virtualization products. Tech Data made some other news of its own this week, too, locking in a deal with Fonality More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 15, 20090 comments

Study Reveals Most Dangerous Coding Mistakes

Sometimes security breaches begin with the folks writing legitimate code. This is a must-read for the Skittles and Mountain Dew crowd.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 14, 20091 comments

Here Comes the Pain: Global IT Spending To Fall

You didn't think we'd get out of this unscathed, did you? The ever-darkening economy is going to throw a cloud on the technology industry in 2009, at least according to one survey.

Forrester Research says that IT spending will fall 3 percent year-over-year worldwide in 2009, meaning that the IT industry will actually shrink for the first time in seven years. Ouch. But, hey, it's no surprise, right? It could even be worse...right?


Posted by Lee Pender on January 14, 20090 comments

Microsoft Releases Tools for Windows 7

They're remote server admin tools , to be specific.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 14, 20090 comments

Millions Test Next Version of Exchange

This is a considerable jump in the number of testers from the current version of Exchange, which only had 5,000 people toying with it at the same point in its development.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 14, 20090 comments

Just the One Patch This Tuesday

Well, one critical patch , anyway. It's a boom-bust cycle for patches these days, but in this case a smaller number is probably better than a bigger one.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 13, 20090 comments

Windows 7: Change You Can Believe In?

Aside from ragging on the European Union once in a while and maybe throwing the odd Commie joke at the more extreme elements of the open source movement, we try to stay apolitical here at RCPU.

So, as you read this post, keep in mind that we're not making value judgments about our leaders, outgoing or incoming. But we are saying this: By pretty much any objective measure, Barack Obama is more popular than George W. Bush right now. There's a definite buzz around the president-elect, and we think it's fair to say that not too many folks are shedding tears about W's departure.


Posted by Lee Pender on January 13, 20093 comments

Study Says Developers Want a Piece of SaaS

A new study suggests that SaaS hype is becoming reality , at least among developers.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 13, 20090 comments

Microsoft Focuses on Cost Savings in Ads

Does it take money to save money? Microsoft would like you to think that it does. It has put together a series of ads in which executives talk More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 13, 20090 comments

Windows 7 for $0?

So, you bought Vista, and maybe you don't like it so much, and you're thinking that you spent a bunch of money for not much in return. Well, you'd be wrong -- because you didn't just buy Vista. You also bought Windows 7. Maybe.

Apparently, Microsoft might be preparing to give free upgrades from Vista to Windows 7. At the time of writing this, we're still not sure whether that's true. But according to a Web site that actually manages to get things right occasionally, Microsoft is going to (with restrictions, of course) give Vista buyers a free pass to the next level.


Posted by Lee Pender on January 08, 20097 comments