Taxpayers To Fund Microsoft Bridge

OK, it's kind of a gotcha headline, but part of the stimulus plan for the Seattle area really does include a " bridge to Microsoft ."

Posted by Lee Pender on March 17, 20090 comments

Windows 7 Gets More Stuff

The anticipation that built for Vista was the manufactured kind, created mostly by marketing types and by newsletters like this one that got sucked into the hype only to end up disillusioned. But the Windows 7 hype that's building is more organic, coming from beta testers, partners and IT professionals. Anyway, Windows 7 got some bug fixes and some new updates this week. More details here

Posted by Lee Pender on March 17, 20090 comments

Microsoft Patch Sparks Debate

So, Microsoft issued a patch last week, which some security blogger said was mostly useless , prompting Microsoft to say that it wasn't really all that useless More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 17, 20090 comments

Cisco Rocks the Server Party

It's St. Patrick's Day, so there must be a party somewhere. (Keep in mind that we're writing from suburban Boston, where the party just sort of rages on all around us this time of year.) And who likes to rock the party ? Cisco does, apparently.

Not content with being an absolute monster in networking hardware, Cisco is now...a server company. Or at least a provider of blade servers for big datacenters, meaning the company is now in competition with the likes of HP, IBM and Dell in that space.


Posted by Lee Pender on March 17, 20091 comments

Microsoft Expands on Mobile Developer Strategy

Musings for the mobile-minded from Jeff Schwartz.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 12, 20090 comments

Microsoft Hands Out Dynamics Treats at Convergence

What's the best way to help Dynamics partners and customers tackle a tough economy ? Give stuff away for free .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 12, 20090 comments

Reader Feedback: Windows 7 and Microsoft BI

We're cleaning out the reader e-mail cupboard this week, so let's get started.

On Microsoft's apparent return to its roots in 2009, we got a comment from longtime friend of RCP Ken Thoreson, who now has his very own, very good blog on Anyway, here's what Ken had to say:


Posted by Lee Pender on March 12, 20090 comments

SAP, Sybase Go Mobile

The big German ERP titan has teamed with Sybase to launch a not uninteresting operation to allow users to access ERP data on mobile devices.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 12, 20090 comments

U.S.'s First CIO Not Exactly Warm to Microsoft

Apparently, Vivek Kundra is more of a Google Apps type of guy -- and isn't afraid to express it .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 11, 20090 comments

Microsoft's Mike Nash Talks IE 8

The corporate vice president for Windows product management opens up on the new browser here .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 11, 20090 comments

Changes Coming to the Microsoft Partner 2011

Interesting stuff bouncing around this week about changes Microsoft is planning on making to the Partner Program. Apparently, the program is going to be less about technology and more about business planning, less generic and more specific in its certifications, and less Microsoft-focused and more customer-centric. Decipher More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 11, 20090 comments

Convergence: Dynamics Partners Try To Unleash Potential

It is with great regret that, after three consecutive years of covering the event live, your editor is not at Convergence this year. It is with even greater regret that missing Convergence 2009 means missing a trip to New Orleans, one of your editor's favorite cities and a place where he'd happily help rebuild the local economy by spending 1105 Media's money.

But alas, priorities have changed, and RCPU will be covering the annual Dynamics show from Framingham, Mass., this year. It's not the worst place a person could be, but it's also not the home of jambalaya, Dixie Beer -- sadly, apparently brewed in Wisconsin post-Katrina -- Dixieland jazz and just generally rolling the good times.


Posted by Lee Pender on March 11, 20090 comments