RIM Shot: Microsoft Goes Enterprise with Windows Mobile 6.0

From Vienna to another great European city, Barcelona: Microsoft announced this week the latest version of Windows for mobile devices and crowed about having More

Posted by Lee Pender on February 13, 20070 comments

FSF to Ban Novell Linux Sales? Not Exactly

Reuters came out this week with rather a splashy story saying that the Free Software Foundation is considering, as some sort of retribution for the big deal with Microsoft, banning Novell from selling its Linux distribution.


Posted by Lee Pender on February 06, 20070 comments

Apple Bigger than Microsoft?

In Pirates of Silicon Valley , the epic late-‘90s TV movie about Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, power, passion and pocket protectors, Anthony Michael Hall's Gates bellows at Noah Wyle's Jobs during a heated discussion, "I got the loot, Steve!"

Uh, not so fast, fictional Bill. Apparently one analyst thinks that Apple could be generating more revenue than Microsoft More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 30, 20070 comments

Stock Price on the Rise in Redmond

After a long, hot summer of pressure from investors, Steve Ballmer has to enjoy the cool, soothing sensation of a rebounding stock price , which appears to have the potential to keep rising .

Not to be left out, Apple, stock-backdating scandal and all, More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 18, 20070 comments

Microsoft, Nortel Put “Unified” in Unified Communications

The buzzwords “unified communications” took another step toward really meaning something this week, as Microsoft and Nortel unveiled a strategy and product roadmap aimed at knocking another Microsoft partner, Cisco, off its perch More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 18, 20070 comments

IE Loses Ground, Longhorn Gains a Name

While Microsoft celebrates the 100 millionth download of IE7, few observers have stopped to notice that most of IE7’s success came at the expense of IE6. Meanwhile, Firefox’s distant headlights are starting to appear in Microsoft’s rearview mirror. More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 18, 20070 comments

Got Four Hours to Spare? Download Vista

Supposedly, if we believe the folk tales and lore of our parents and grandparents, the American work day used to last eight hours. “9 to 5” (cue Dolly Parton ) was the way we made a livin’. With a break for lunch, of course, and maybe some talk around the water cooler -- which has since been replaced by the Internet message board, but our editor doesn’t need know that. (And, speaking of anachronisms, your author used to have the theme song from More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 18, 20071 comments

Microsoft’s Goofy Laptop Giveaway

Horrors! Microsoft gave a bunch of free laptops loaded with Vista to bloggers, possibly in an attempt to influence them! (Wait, if you don’t like that story, here’s another More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 04, 20070 comments

This Is Almost Painful

Man, talk about clunky ... the new Microsoft comic strip -- yes, you just read those last three words -- promoting Office 2007 makes Redmond’s laptop giveaway look iPodian in its marketing brilliance.

Microsoft does many, many things right ... but Enchanted Office is ... well ... judge for yourself

Posted by Lee Pender on January 04, 20070 comments

Linux Lovers Gear Up For Another Year of Chasing Microsoft

Mike wrote in back in December to offer his predictions for 2007: “Let’s see:  Flying cars, teleportation devices (Jaunt Stations for Stephen King fans), and a 25 percent migration to Vista. Why not aim high?” 

Well, Mike, you’ll probably achieve a level of accuracy with those predictions that most analysts could only dream of, even if Vista has been (surprise!) a little slow to penetrate the enterprise so far.


Posted by Lee Pender on January 04, 20070 comments

Storm's A-Brewin' for IBM (and Others): Microsoft and HP Blow into Town

Don't even bother combing your hair if you're in Seattle this week. The swirling, gusty winds that have been howling here all week will just make a mess of it, anyway. And if the wind doesn't muss your 'do, the hard, seemingly incessant rain will. (Yeah, it's Seattle -- but even the locals say that this is bad.) The hanging gray skies and electricity-killing Microsoft just had a brownout -- storms here make the atmosphere in this otherwise beautiful area almost miserable enough to make a Bostonian stop complaining about a New England winter. Almost. More

Posted by Lee Pender on December 14, 20060 comments

Australia to Jail iPod Users?

Well, maybe not, but this is a pretty interesting story, anyway.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 21, 20060 comments