Get Your Patches While You Can (If You Really Want Them)

Microsoft is on to the blogger who's posting what he thinks will be fixes in the first Vista service pack .

Incidentally, there's a bit of talk that Microsoft's rushed (although More

Posted by Lee Pender on April 05, 20070 comments

Can Microsoft Save Us From Google World Domination?

Maybe it's got something to do with rampant stories about identity theft , or maybe it's a result (or the cause) of the return of the horror movie to cultural prominence in recent years, or maybe it's some sort of unfortunate lingering after-effect of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks...or maybe we just like to be freaked out. But if any word describes how we tend to react to things in the United States of late, it's "panic." More

Posted by Lee Pender on April 03, 20071 comments

That Cute Bunny Racing Across Your Screen Could Be Very Dangerous

Nasty hackers could use files related to Windows Animated Cursor (or, appropriately, "WAC"), to steal all sorts of information from your computer . In fact, this is such a big deal that Microsoft plans to release a special patch for the flaw More

Posted by Lee Pender on April 03, 20070 comments

Open (Source) to Everybody but Microsoft

There's more talk from the Free Software Foundation this week about how it plans to do everything it can to undermine the Microsoft-Novell SuSE Linux agreement . The FSF is worried that letting the deal slip by will represent tacit acknowledgment that Microsoft actually owns some Linux intellectual property and patents (something Steve Ballmer has, uh, More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 28, 20070 comments

Deconstructing the Myth of Vista Sales

We told you earlier this week that we were a bit skeptical of Microsoft's claims of booming sales for Vista . We're not the only ones . In fact, in this absolutely surgical strike More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 28, 20070 comments

System Center Operations Manager 2007 Coming in April (But Don't Call It SCOM)

The next step in the evolution of Microsoft's Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI) -- not to be confused with Dynamics products -- will be here next week. April 1 is the release date for the System Center Operations Manager 2007 , part of DSI. The new management software is the next version of what's now called Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005. More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 28, 20070 comments

Microsoft Staves Off EU Fines

Microsoft has about three extra weeks to answer the European Union's latest round of antitrust charges , which are just as ridiculous as most of what the EU has been throwing at Microsoft for the last few years. And, hey, More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 27, 20070 comments

Microsoft: Everything's Fine With Vista -- Really

Government agencies have put the kibosh on it , and even Steve Ballmer tried to get investors to calm down about it . Just today, a product manager from one of Microsoft's bigger ISV security partners (OK, it was Symantec) told us that most companies won't even seriously start looking at switching to it until the third or fourth quarter of this year (and that actually sounded a little optimistic compared with other projections we've heard). More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 27, 20073 comments

Big Brother Comes to BrainShare

In Pirates of Silicon Valley , a movie to which we just love to refer, there's a scene at the end in which Anthony Michael Hall's Bill Gates peers from a video screen over Noah Wyle's Steve Jobs at a press conference as Gates announces the investment by Microsoft that basically saves Apple.

In the background, onlookers and Mac fanatics boo and hiss at Gates' overwhelming mug. The Big Brother connotation is not exactly subtle, but what do you want from a made-for-TV movie? (By the way, if Pirates had been a theater release and not a made-for-TV flick, "I got the loot, Steve!" would have been one of the great cinematic catchphrases of the late 1990s. Alas.)


Posted by Lee Pender on March 21, 20070 comments

Convergence: Too Many Dynamics Partners?

Philippe Gaillard (who, it randomly turns out, was a neighbor and rugby opponent during your editor's days living in Paris) gets it. The president of Neocase, an ISV that provides support applications and integrates its wares with Dynamics CRM, explains very succinctly why Dynamics ERP and CRM are getting attention from so many companies:

"They look [at Dynamics] because they're sick of paying millions of dollars."


Posted by Lee Pender on March 16, 20070 comments

Stay Classy, Microsoft: Convergence Opens in San Diego

Forget the news, even though there's a lot of it. Two shocking revelations emerged from Microsoft's Convergence show in America's most beautiful city today.

First, and perhaps most disturbing, is that one of the editors of this newsletter (as in one of the guys who reads it and tries to put my ramblings into some sense of order) owns a Zune, aka "the uncool iPod." Bought it himself. And likes it. And sort of resents RCPU's incessant pounding of it in recent months. Who knew?


Posted by Lee Pender on March 13, 20070 comments

Microsoft Pumps Up Partner Program

Here are a couple of pieces of good news: Microsoft has two new wrinkles in its already excellent Partner Program, one an enhancement and one a brand-new initiative.

For starters, Microsoft now includes hardware in version 3.0 of its popular Buy Local Program, which helps system builders find customers in their hometowns. Previous versions of the program offered customers free software and Web services but stopped short of offering hardware.


Posted by Lee Pender on March 09, 20070 comments