Redmond Launches Anti-Piracy Effort for ISVs

No, it's not the dreaded Windows Genuine Advantage rearing its terrifying head again. This time, Microsoft has actually come up with an anti-piracy service that it's selling to ISVs, and it looks pretty darn useful at first glance. Keith Ward fills in the details here .

And that's not all that Microsoft's doing on the anti-piracy front this week. Yesterday, it announced the More

Posted by Lee Pender on October 03, 20070 comments

Adobe Firing Salvos at Redmond

Adobe is reaching into your editor's new hometown of Waltham, Mass. (also home to Novell, incidentally) to buy a company that'll give it a Flash-based online word processor .

And if going after Microsoft Word wasn't enough, Adobe's also teaming with business intelligence heavyweight Business Objects in More

Posted by Lee Pender on October 02, 20070 comments

Best Buy and Ingram Micro Ink Pact

We just love using "ink" as a verb. Ingram will boldly go wherever the Geek Squad can't get the job done.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 25, 20071 comments

PC Makers Offering Vista-XP Downgrades

Oh, we try hard, so hard, not to pile on with this Vista stuff. It's just that every time we think it's getting old to talk about what a, uh, "mitigated success" (yes, we're being kind) Vista has been, something else comes out that demonstrates that this operating system is about as popular as New Coke was once upon a time. (By the way, thank you, Internet and Wikipedia, for providing us with more information than we ever thought existed on New Coke. What was life like before the Internet? We don't remember...and we don't care.) More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 25, 20074 comments

Ballmer 'Underpaid' in 2007

Steve Ballmer pulled in about $1.3 million in fiscal 2007, a pittance according to Microsoft.

And, really, it doesn't seem like that much money for a guy who heads a company that made more than $50 billion in the same fiscal year. Our favorite part of this story, though, comes from the second linked article (the one from Australian IT):


Posted by Lee Pender on September 25, 20070 comments

Big Day for Windows Releases

The first release candidate for Windows Server 2008 came out today, as did the initial public beta for Vista Service Pack 1. Keith Ward has all the details , including a note on how Vista and Windows Server 2008 seem to be keeping the same schedule (no doubt recorded in their Outlook calendars) these days. More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 25, 20070 comments

Worldwide Partner Conference 2008 Set for Houston

That's Houston in July. And for those of you who haven't been to Houston in July, well...don't bring a jacket.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 25, 20070 comments

Week in Review: Rough Times in Redmond

Oof. It's never easy staying on top -- not even for Microsoft, which has dominated the software industry for so long that it's hard to remember when IBM was the "evil empire" of technology.

It was bad enough that last week, Google and Capgemeni got together to try to rope and tie Microsoft's cash cow, Office. Now, though, Google appears to be going after Outlook, too, and it's not the only competitor trying to carve out a bigger slice of the e-mail pie. Nor is Google the only Microsoft rival to take a fresh run at Office, now that IBM has a free suite of its own.


Posted by Lee Pender on September 21, 20071 comments

Symantec CEO Speaks Out on Microsoft

In case you missed it, here's what Symantec CEO John Thompson had to say about Microsoft Forefront in the September issue of RCP :

"When the hype settles down, people have to settle into the pragmatic reality, which is that [Microsoft's] product sucks."


Posted by Lee Pender on September 21, 20070 comments

Microsoft Loses China Chief to the NBA

Does this seem like a fair trade for Yao Ming? Probably not, if you're a Microsoft executive.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 21, 20070 comments

Study: Corporate Vista Uptake Slow

We were all prepared with a joke along the lines of, "And in other news, the earth continues to rotate on its axis..." but there's no use piling on. Here's the study.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 20, 20070 comments