Visual Studio 2008 Makes Its Debut

We're going to need more Skittles and Mountain Dew for the developer set .

Posted by Lee Pender on November 20, 20070 comments

Microsoft Rumors Falling Like Leaves

Two notes before we start: First, your editor is on deadline for a magazine story, so today's RCPU will be shorter (and possibly even sweeter) than usual. Second, we promised you last week that we'd hear this week from a small business-intelligence vendor trying to survive in the shark tank of BI acquisitions by larger companies. We will bring you that vendor's story -- but not this week after all, as today's newsletter will be the last one until after Thanksgiving. More

Posted by Lee Pender on November 20, 20070 comments

A (Very) Brief Look at Vista SP1

Really, it's brief . Somewhat interesting, but brief. We're not kidding.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 20, 20070 comments

Zune Outsells iPod

Seriously. No kidding. One discounted model for at least one day, anyway, on , but still.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 20, 20071 comments

Office for Rent in Even More Markets

Mary Jo Foley tells us that Microsoft's little pay-as-you-go scheme for Office -- sort of like SaaS without the service or convenience -- is seeping into new markets around the world.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 16, 20070 comments

Ellison Toys with BEA

When your editor was but a young lad, his family had a cat that was a particularly adept mouser. The cat loved to roam the large field behind its house searching for rodents of all sorts. When she caught one, she would keep it about half-alive for a few hours and just toy with it, pretending at times to be indifferent to its presence, then batting it around and chasing it when it tried meekly to escape. More

Posted by Lee Pender on November 16, 20071 comments

Microsoft Updates Windows CE

The embedded operating system will have some new Web-services capabilities .

Posted by Lee Pender on November 15, 20070 comments

Microsoft and Comcast Go After the Little Guy

Comcast wants to be so much more than "the cable company." It's pushing itself to be an ambitious entertainment and business enterprise, complete with TV networks of its own and "business-class" technology services.

We digress here, so just skip the next two paragraphs if you want to get to the relevant stuff: Comcast reminds us here at RCPU a bit of a miniature version of Vivendi (formerly Vivendi Universal -- nothing ambitious about that name), the French company that started as a water utility in the 19th century and eventually grew to own a considerable chunk of the entertainment industry. When your editor moved to Paris in 2001, Vivendi Universal and its then-CEO, Jean-Marie Messier, were the stuff of legends and a huge source of pride in France.


Posted by Lee Pender on November 15, 20070 comments

OneCare Update on the Way

Whew! Finally, the wait is over! You were waiting with bated breath for an update to OneCare ...weren't you?

Posted by Lee Pender on November 15, 20070 comments

Era Ends as Gates Continues Transition

Bill Gates attended this week his last Microsoft shareholders' meeting as a card-punching Microsoft employee. BusinessWeek , always reliable, has a solid take on where Microsoft is now with Gates riding into the digital sunset. And be sure to check out the Gates slideshow for an awkward stroll down memory lane.

Posted by Lee Pender on November 15, 20070 comments

Microsoft Expands System Center Suite

The System Center portfolio has three new products as of today: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 and System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007.

Aside from doing all kinds cool management stuff, these products come with one simple license that will allow a customer to buy and run them all at once. Eric Berg, director of product management for the Windows and Enterprise Management Division at Microsoft, told RCPU last week that "if you're buying any two of these products, you're better off purchasing the server management suite." By suite, he means all three products, of course.


Posted by Lee Pender on November 13, 20070 comments

Server Madness in Redmond

Let's get right to the news because there's plenty of it this week. For starters, Microsoft is planning on offering a lot of versions of Windows Server 2008 at a lot of different price points. Think we're exaggerating when we say a lot? Check out Keith Ward's story on the lineup -- and bring a scorecard, or maybe a spreadsheet. More

Posted by Lee Pender on November 13, 20070 comments