PowerPoint on YouTube?

With authorSTREAM's new product , you can do it...if you really want to.

But we bet this will still get more hits, mainly because your editor has already watched it about 400 times. (Who can resist Butch Johnson's catch in Super Bowl XII and a plug for "Tuborg, the golden beer of Danish kings" all in less than a minute-and-a-half?)

Posted by Lee Pender on March 26, 20081 comments

Microsoft Buys Security Vendor

Redmond aims to boost Forefront and OneCare with the purchase of pleasingly named Komoku. It's sort of too bad, though, that Komoku couldn't have hooked up with Ubuntu Linux somehow, because "Komoku Ubuntu" kind of sounds as though it could be the name of a guy who might be a favorite to win the Olympic marathon this year.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 25, 20080 comments

Vista: Not Even the Service Pack Works

Yes! Service Pack 1 has given us here at RCPU an opportunity to revive one of our favorite activities: bashing Vista! Microsoft's ne'er-do-well operating system finally got the update that Redmond hoped would push it into the enterprise, and guess what? SP1 is deeply flawed -- so much so that Microsoft is More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 25, 200813 comments

Redmond Looks Into Word Flaw

Microsoft is mulling over a special patch for a security vulnerability in Word.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 25, 20080 comments

Microsoft Brand Sinking...But Still Ahead of Google

Another of those brand-strength surveys came out recently (faithful readers of RCP the magazine will remember that we've tackled the topic of Microsoft's brand before) and said that Redmond's mark is way down the list More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 25, 20082 comments

Partner Keeps Rodgers and Hammerstein Humming

Dynamics AX is one of John Elmer's favorite things. Elmer is vice president of IS and controller for the Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization , which, believe it or not, is an outfit that owns the intellectual property created by, well, Rodgers and Hammerstein More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 20, 20081 comments

VMware To Launch Partner Conference

It'll be held in San Diego in May . Mmm...San Diego. In May. RCPU approves.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 20, 20080 comments

Microsoft Speeding Along With Hyper-V

What? Something's coming out of Redmond not just on time, but early? Apparently so .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 20, 20080 comments

Zeus Expands Partner Program

The U.K. vendor of application traffic management software has expanded its U.S. reseller program to include Apollo, Hera and Poseidon. Ha...just kidding.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 20, 20080 comments

Surety Releases Product for SharePoint

It's not just AbsoluteProof anymore; it's AbsoluteProof for SharePoint .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 19, 20080 comments

Aspire Updates QuoteWerks

Hey, Aspire Technologies, we don't mean to alarm you or anything, but you seem to have misspelled the last half of your product's name. Next time, do a spell check before going live. Anyway, info on updated QuoteWerks is here (PDF).

Posted by Lee Pender on March 19, 20080 comments

Microsoft Partners Its Way to UC Market Share

The word "ecosystem" might have a distinctly flora-and-fauna feel about it, but in the software game it means something entirely different. For Microsoft, as for most big vendors, the ecosystem is a universe of partners, customers and other friendly entities that facilitate sales and implementation of applications. Or something like that. More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 19, 20080 comments