IDC: IT Spending To Slow Throughout the Year

As the economy turns, some signs of a slowdown finally touching the tech sector are starting to emerge. RCP Editor in Chief Scott Bekker brings us up to date in IDC's latest semi-dire predictions here .

Posted by Lee Pender on May 14, 20080 comments

Microsoft To Appeal EU Fines

Redmond is hoping that its new "openness" will allow the company to avoid more than a billion dollars in Eurofines. We're with you on this one, Microsoft...but we don't like your chances.

Posted by Lee Pender on May 13, 20080 comments

Raikes To Head Gates Foundation

The former Microsoft bigwig will serve as CEO of Bill and Melinda Gates' charitable foundation, and more power to him, we say.

Posted by Lee Pender on May 13, 20080 comments

Four Tuesday Patches On Tap

If you can't get XP SP3 to work, at least take some solace in the fact that it's a light Patch Tuesday this month.

Posted by Lee Pender on May 13, 20080 comments

XP SP3: You Call That a Service Pack?

The good news is that Windows XP Service Pack 3 can make your XP-loaded computer run faster . The bad news is...well, as many of you know by now, there's been a lot of bad news. Or maybe you don't know, because your computer keeps rebooting endlessly More

Posted by Lee Pender on May 13, 20080 comments

Gartner Identifies UC Killer Apps

Gartner's U.K. operation, old chap, maintains that UC should not be about reducing IT costs. Yes, you read that correctly. The lads (and lasses) at the big analyst firm think that UC should be about "business agility" and gets into some of the capabilities that it feels can help businesses achieve that goal.

Posted by Lee Pender on May 09, 20080 comments

Battles for UC Partners Rage On

Dig with us, if you will, a paragraph from this press release from Cisco and Nokia:

"To meet the market demands for seamless mobile convergence solutions, more than 95 reseller partners have received dual certification from Cisco and Nokia on the combined mobile unified communication solution. Certified channel partners include Telindus, Computacenter, Dimension Data, E2E, Lutech NextiraOne Italia, Touchbase, and T-systems."


Posted by Lee Pender on May 09, 20081 comments

Analyst: UC Market Still Kind of a Mess

In case you're wondering what's going on here, welcome to a special edition of RCPU dedicated to unified communications. UC is one of those categories everybody loves to talk (and write) about, but the truth is that there still seems to be a lot of confusion about what exactly it is and who's doing what in it.

We're not here to explain all that -- not today, anyway -- but simply to point out that for all the hype it gets, UC is still very much an emerging space with a jumble of vendors, many very large, competing for both partners and customers. Strictly speaking, we're not even the ones pointing that out; analyst firm Infonetics Research is, with a survey of customers that shows that no vendor has stepped up as a UC leader...yet.


Posted by Lee Pender on May 09, 20080 comments

VMware Beefs Up Partner Program

The VMware program just keeps getting better. Check out the press release here .

Posted by Lee Pender on May 08, 20080 comments

Citrix and Dell Partner on Virtualization

Really, the title of this entry says it all, but you can read more here .

Posted by Lee Pender on May 08, 20080 comments

Xobni Gets Hype

So, supposedly this Xobni company has a tool that improves Outlook. We're listening -- as are a lot of other people, including the austere New York Times , which gives Xobni and its young founders the full feature-story treatment

Posted by Lee Pender on May 07, 20080 comments