A Nearly Patch-less Tuesday

Tomorrow, many (but not enough, in my opinion) will take the day off in honor of Veterans Day. The only trouble for IT is tomorrow is also Patch Tuesday. Luckily, only two patches are expected tomorrow. And only one of these patches, to fix a remote code execution in Office and Windows, is deemed critical. More

Posted by Doug Barney on November 10, 20080 comments

Yahoo Suddenly Cuckoo for Microsoft

Microsoft and Yahoo sometimes act more like dating teenagers than real grown-up companies. First, Microsoft asked Yahoo to be its one and only with a multibillion-dollar bid. Yahoo wanted to play the field, and said, "Thanks, but no thanks." Then Microsoft, feeling snubbed, pulled back its affections -- just when Yahoo was starting to get interested.

Now that Yahoo's relationship with Google to share ad revenue More

Posted by Doug Barney on November 10, 20080 comments

Windows Server 2008: The More Cores, the Better

I've long been concerned about XP's and Vista's inability to exploit multi-core processors . Both generally do a good job of using dual-cores and, depending on the apps, can gain some benefit from quad-cores.

Windows Server is different. The latest rev of Windows Server 2008 uses up to 64 processors. R2, due out in the next year or two, promises to exploit as many as 256. That could handle some mighty big databases, legions of mailboxes and a fair share of SharePoint!


Posted by Doug Barney on November 10, 20080 comments

Mailbag: Windows 7 vs. XP vs. Vista

Based on early demos, Windows 7 already looks much-improved compared to Vista. Doug asked readers how they think the next OS will stack up to its predecessors:

Maybe Microsoft will get it right with Windows 7. I've said all along that if Microsoft had an OS which was small and responsive, it would win over many companies. If the price is right and the performance is better than XP on our computers, we would switch to the new Vista.

Windows 7 was good to take out some of the driver loading. But I've seen some of the videos of demos and they are ALL about appearance. Most of us don't need fancy front-ends (many people rarely have more than one app running at a time, possibly two if they are daft enough to monitor their e-mail). They need something simpler, more stable and more secure.

I think Windows 7 is already competing more with Vista than it will with XP. However, as I think of my recently bought laptop and the pain I went through to get my apps working, I doubt that I will risk losing them by updating to Windows 7. This is in spite of the good words about Win 7. There is peripheral hardware involved and I am not confident the change would go well.

Windows XP can be a more effective OS, but it still lacks in operating ability, troubleshooting techniques and user-friendliness. XP has been around for about seven years, but it still doesn't meet today's customer expectations. I think Microsoft should have developed and invested more on XP rather than any other OS.

We have resisted using XP in our organisation for some time now since upgrading from 2000. Because of the fact that XP is very stable (ironically, not on my PC at home) and performs very well on our newer PCs, we have no reason to use Vista. We will be keeping a keen eye on Win 7 as hopefully it will fulfil the role Vista was supposed to.

I have used Vista a number of times and although the general look and feel are OK and functional, it still seems overly heavy on hardware.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 10, 20080 comments

Windows 7 Meets PC Makers

With the Professional Developers Conference (PDC) barely over, Microsoft conference organizers have already moved onto WinHEC, the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference. PDC was all about Windows 7. Guess what? So is WinHEC !

Most know that one of Vista's biggest bugaboos is hardware incompatibility. It's no surprise, then, that hardware compatibility was Topic No. 1 at WinHEC, where Windows execs touted a new approach to integrating and loading all those device drivers.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 06, 20080 comments

Adobe Patches the Stack

Adobe Reader is about as ubiquitous to PC users as milk is to babies. That's why the Adobe Reader's stack overflow flaw is so troubling and installing Adobe's new patch so important.

Without the patch, hackers can build a malicious PDF -- and once one is built, these creeps will pass it around like a bottle of Ripple in a hobo camp. This one bad PDF, then, could let hackers control literally millions of PCs.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 06, 20080 comments

Mailbag: Your Thoughts on Cloud Computing

Last week, after Microsoft announced plans to offer a stripped-down version of Office to run in the cloud , Doug asked readers what it would take for them to put their files on the Web. Here's what you said:

A frontal lobotomy and a bottle in front of me.

In your article, you ask what it would take for a reader to put their files in a cloud somewhere. My answer is: NOTHING. I wouldn't do it. I know we're breeding a whole new generation that believes having your apps and files in a cloud is supposed to be more appealing and secure than traditional methods, but for me, I don't want my files to be the responsibility of anyone but myself. If my Internet connection is down and I need to work, where are my files? If the Web site where they are stored gets taken down or fails, where are my files? If I have to access the Internet over dial-up, are my files really accessible? If someone hacks the site hosting my files, are they still there, and if so, are they all over the world, as well?

No thank you! I will keep my files safe, secure and backed up at my home office and continue to use offline files when I travel. It's worked for me for years, and with nine copies and regular tape backups (moved offsite every week), I'll continue to have my files to work with when I need them and without all the worries. For individuals who are comfortable with the possibility of having their files unavailable, maybe it's a good thing. For myself, I can't imagine giving my file storage and safety away. It's almost like asking your best friend to mind your checkbook for you and make sure all your bills are paid, too. I may trust them, but never that far.

I can't see myself using such capabilities in the near future. I have 100GB of information and backups that I manage securely between my three personal computers. Growth rate is 1 to 1.5GB per month. Remote access has not been an issue thus far as a flash drive and a laptop have proved sufficient for data I need to access away from home.

I think cloud computing and Internet banking have some similarities. Why do I manage my money over the Web? I have a written contract with the bank. I can see my bank balance and my transactions at any time. I have access to history. I know that I can withdraw my money whenever I need it. (The analogy breaks down a bit here.) And I'm working with a firm that I can trust.

I'd want all of these things before storing my data in the cloud. I'd also want to be able to 'back up' my files onto my personal computer whenever I choose.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 06, 20080 comments

Google Repairs Android

Google's Android OS may be small (small enough to drive the new Google phone) but it has plenty of code it seems for hackers to attack. Case in point: Last week, researchers showed how hackers can take over the phone by tricking the user into going to a malicious Web page. With that control, your passwords could be stolen, no matter how many obscure letters and characters they contain. More

Posted by Doug Barney on November 06, 20080 comments

Obama, McCain and High-Tech

Yesterday , I wondered where Sen. McCain and now President-elect Obama stood on high-tech issues. Well, all I had to do was go to the candidates' Web sites -- the answers were already there!

Obama is for network neutrality (so we can do pretty much what we want with our broadband connections), wants to expand these broadband networks to areas not currently covered, invest in the American high-tech industry, and use the Internet to let citizens track government more closely.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 05, 20080 comments

It's the Economy, Dummkopf

Anyone with a 401(k), a TV set or an ounce of sense knows our economy is in deep fill-in-the-blank-with-the-expletive-of-your-choice. IT has been through bad times before -- jobs were lost, budgets were slashed and cool technologies were never adopted.

This one could be even worse. And preparations, if not already underway, should be made soon. Smart IT folks like yourselves are proactive, finding ways to cut spending before bosses decide your salary is a great place to start. Upgrades may be downgraded, servers virtualized so they do more, little-used apps decommissioned, and perhaps cloud services eyed as replacements for expensive server-bound programs.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 05, 20080 comments

Chrome Review, Takes 1 and 2

Chrome is still in beta, but that isn't stopping reviewers from weighing in. On our Web site is a review that finds Chrome to be pretty good, pretty simple and pretty much in need of a few more features like RSS.

But if you want to really dive deep into Chrome, check out what you and your fellow IT pros had to say in More

Posted by Doug Barney on November 05, 20080 comments

Mailbag: The Election Edition

Readers share their thoughts on the presidential election and what it would really take to boost the economy:

I think that many will be surprised at the election results this year. And as for the economy, I think we have more tough times ahead and getting the government involved may not be the best course of action, unless it is to encourage the banks to work with their customers to see what can be done to keep them in their homes. I believe that these business cycles will happen no matter what the government tries to do. All we can do is pray and vote.

The Austrian School of Economics' theory of the business cycle predicted America's current financial fiasco, and its proponents like Congressman Ron Paul not only recommended methods to avoid the disaster but have provided recommendations on how to get ourselves out of it. Unfortunately, neither of the leading presidential candidates (one of whom will be president-elect shortly after I send this message) seems to have ever heard of the Austrian School of Economics and probably wouldn't recognize that their own proposed "solutions" are merely warmed-over Keynesian or even Marxist/fascist ideas in some cases.

That said, I believe three things about the election: One, whoever wins will regret winning by this time next year. Two, nothing is going to fundamentally change for the better. Three, Americans are hosed (or should I say sheared?) regardless of the outcome. Also, government should leave IT alone. But I think government should leave everybody alone which would put all of those government busybodies out of work -- so that ain't gonna happen, is it?

You said: "Apparently, when you have a $10 trillion deficit and a collapsing economy, the answer is to increase spending and cut taxes. If I ran Redmond that way, it would be out of business; and if I ran my house that way, I'd be in a run-down apartment and my 1980 Porsche 928 would be repossessed."

I would like to point out that tax rates (I emphasize the word "rates"') are a lot like prices. When a business is not getting enough buyers for its products or services and its revenues are down, reducing the prices for those goods and services is often a good idea. It is often possible to get enough new buyers to bring overall revenues up. Government tax rates often behave in a similar fashion, which is why, for instance, capital gains tax rate reductions have usually resulted in increased revenues. I think you will also find that the last few times that income tax rates were reduced, revenue did not fall.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 05, 20080 comments