Parallels Gains More Mac Power

Parallels, formerly SWsoft, just enhanced its hypervisor for Macs that lets these Cupertino beauties run Windows and Linux.

Parallels Desktop 4.0 supports a staggering 45 different guest OSes, works with DirectX 9.0, and has backup built right in.

Parallels is a feisty and interesting company, with two lines of server virtualization tools and some cool desktop action, as well. I profiled it a while back More

Posted by Doug Barney on November 17, 20080 comments

Microsoft Can't Stop Talking about Azure

Once Microsoft pre-announces a product with massive competitive implications, it simply won't stop talking about it 'til the darn thing ships -- no matter how long it takes. The idea is to convince customers that Microsoft is the most important game in town, even if it doesn't have a product.

That's what's happening now with Azure, Microsoft's upcoming cloud services platform. Latest case in point: a speech by David Treadwell that treads over some old Azure ground and then added some news in the form of a real, live (or is that Live?) demo.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 13, 20080 comments

Mailbag: Taking Azure Down a Notch

Microsoft may be busy talking up Azure, but Kevin thinks it's not all that revolutionary:

Isn't Azure nothing more than the remaking of the mainframe? Think about this: Why do we even need virtualization? Shouldn't you be able to run multiple apps on the same box under one OS? The OS doesn't protect apps from each other, or them from wrecking it. Remember, IBM's Z/OS allowed hundreds, if not thousands, of apps.

And I'm not even pointing strictly at Windows, as Unix and Linux also seem to need virtualization. Virtualization has its place, but not for 80 percent of the servers in a site!


Posted by Doug Barney on November 13, 20080 comments

IT Spending Possibly Safe for 2009

Research firm Computer Economics released a study arguing that IT budgets will be tight next year, but there's no real horror show . The better news? IT shops are keen to keep staff.

On the chopping block? Equipment upgrades, travel and entertainment, and temps. Let's hope they're right!

Posted by Doug Barney on November 13, 20080 comments

Last Patch Tuesday More Important Than I Thought

I made short shrift of the last Patch Tuesday, not taking it too seriously since there were only two fixes , and only one of those critical.

Turns out one of the patches was for more interesting and important than I thought. It seems that Microsoft has had a hole in its Server Message Block -- a hole that took seven solid years to fix! The vulnerability can let hackers control an entire network. Security pros have no idea what took so long, and believe that many may have been hacked this way without even knowing it.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 13, 20080 comments

Live Mesh Live?

Live Mesh is a Microsoft technology that lets you synchronize data across the Internet and keep it all current on different devices. This way your cell phone, home PC and work laptop can all have your girlfriend's phone number, photo and schedule. Oh, and Live Mesh apparently can also be used for business!

I've been worried that Live Mesh is too complex, will take too long to materialize, that applications then have to be written against it and may, in the end, not work nearly as well as promised.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 12, 20080 comments

Azure Skies Not Pure Blue

Microsoft made its billions selling packaged software with basic, though sometimes tremendously complex, licenses. You pay for the right to use the software on one or more computers. Moving to the cloud, as the new Azure platform entails, brings a whole new technology, a whole new business model and a whole new set of challenges.

The self-professed brainiacs from Gartner now argue that Azure is the biggest Microsoft event since 1996 when Bill Gates realized the importance of the Internet.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 12, 20080 comments

Microsoft Competing with Google-Obama Alliance?

Web site Politico, which gained huge traction through the course of the election, has an article light on details and heavy on fear about Google CEO Eric Schmidt and President-elect Barack Obama.

The theory is that Schmidt is Obama's de facto technical adviser, and that an Obama administration would craft policies more to Google's liking than to Microsoft's. It even quoted an unnamed source (and just one, mind you) who said that Microsoft is "terrified."

I've covered Redmond on and off since 1985 and I've never seen Microsoft terrified, or even really nervous; it's like the John Wayne of software. I don't think Microsoft has any reason to worry, either. One of the key issues is whether the Democrats will get tougher on antitrust, but these days there are just as many Google antitrust issues as Microsoft.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 12, 20080 comments

Virtual Phone

Yesterday morning, I got an e-mail from VMware talking about virtualization for mobile phones . I double-checked the date and sure enough, it was Nov. 10, not April 1!

Under the VMware Mobile Virtualization Platform, the phone itself is virtualized so that the hardware is separate from the embedded apps (could be a cool way to have an iPhone and Google phone running at the same time, eh what?).


Posted by Doug Barney on November 11, 20080 comments

Mailbag: Multi-Core, Veterans Day

Microsoft recently revealed that the next rev of Windows Server 2008 would be able to use up to 256 processors , but Seth isn't really buying the multi-core excitement:

You're missing the point with the core support: There's virtually no application software out there that will leverage the multi-core systems at the scale they exist at today, and there isn't really need to grow it in the future. The only thing that will need that many cores is a virtualization platform, and even then you're going to have RAM limitations well before you get to the processor bottleneck.

Show me an application platform that will benefit from the processor scaling and do so cost-effectively in a single chassis, and I'll get excited. Until then, it is just a marketing number that is rather irrelevant. Talking with an MS program manager a couple months back, he let on that 256 processors was probably going to happen, but also that there really is about zero demand for it in the market and that demand isn't expected to grow. It isn't that surprising really.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 11, 20080 comments

Sun and Microsoft Détente Working: Google Dumped for Live

During the heat of the antitrust prosecutions of Microsoft, the Redmond giant made friends with lots of its enemies. Two former foes remain tight: Novell and Microsoft are doing great work on interoperability, and the Sun deal -- though less dramatic -- is working out, as well.

This week, in fact, Sun announced that the MSN Toolbar can be downloaded as part of the Java Runtime. That means the Google Toolbar is getting kicked off, at least in the U.S.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 11, 20080 comments

Google and Microsoft Agree on Airwaves

Both Google and Microsoft agree on one thing -- that the airwaves that will be abandoned when we move to digital television should be used for wireless Internet access. The FCC agrees, and is making these airwaves available for 'Net services .

That's the great part. Here's my fear, though: I worry that these spectrums, even though they're unlicensed, will be sold or given to service providers who will charge whatever the market will bear.


Posted by Doug Barney on November 11, 20080 comments