Clouds Ain't Always Cheap

Cloud computing is supposed to save us all tons of dough. You do away with your servers, disks, interconnects and air conditioners, and run all your software over the wire from a cloud. You presumably save on hardware, energy and management.

But cloud services don't magically configure themselves or keep themselves up-to-date. Some, like BitCurrent analyst Alistair Croll (I imagine Alistair with a pipe, a smoking jacket and a shelf full of dusty old books), believe it can actually be more difficult and expensive to manage this remote software. Not only will admins have to administer this software, but their companies may add more and more applications to the mix -- increasing complexity and admin time.


Posted by Doug Barney on September 22, 20080 comments

Mailbag: Good Riddance, Seinfeld

Doug may be sad to see the Gates-Seinfeld commercials go, but James thinks the whole endeavor was a failure from the get-go:

I saw the first commercial and thought, "Wow, that has to be the lamest commercial I have ever seen! They should fire whichever agency sold 'em that load of crap." Then I saw the second commercial and I realized why Vista sucks so bad. It's because Microsoft has a bunch of morons working for it. If it can't see how lame those commercials were, they should all be fired and bring in some people with enough sense to say, "Hey, those commercials suck, let's go hire that company that made the Apple ads. At least they have a sense of humor."

Now I hear that Microsoft is scrapping the Seinfeld commercials because they "accomplished what they wanted," which I guess was proving that MS is out of touch with reality. OK, so tell me another one. More like Microsoft finally saw that people were only laughing at how ridiculous its commercials were, especially compared to the Apple commercials (I thought the latest one with PC in the pizza box was the best one so far). If MS doesn't pull their collective heads out of their behinds, they are going to end up digging such a deep hole, they will never be able to climb out of it.


Posted by Doug Barney on September 22, 20080 comments

Was It Something I Said?

I admit I was pretty rough on the first Gate/Seinfeld video. In fact, I thought Bill was way funnier than Jerry. I hope the ad whizzes at Microsoft didn't take too much of that to heart and that critics like me aren't the reason there will be no more episodes More

Posted by Doug Barney on September 22, 20080 comments

Mailbag: VMware's Big Plans, Seinfeld Ad, More

One reader is optimistic about VMware's virtualization ambitions :

A Datacenter Operating System? I think that'd be wonderful if implemented correctly. From my experience, most datacenters have a tendency to have a server per application to ensure the reliability of that application and that multiple applications won't tread on each other's territory. It also makes it easier to plan upgrades, patches and new releases.

With everything running under a virtual environment, we open up a new possibility. If all you are going to run is a Web server, then why not have an OS that is designed from the ground-up to be a Web server? You could have the same for a file server or a print server. I know that Windows Server 2008 has headed in this direction by only installing the roles needed, but there is probably still a LOT of unnecessary code that allows this one OS to be everything to everyone. Without this extra code, the OS would run much faster and would be much easier to secure. I think the time is right for someone to develop operating systems that are designed from the ground-up to maximize the benefits of a virtual environment.


Posted by Doug Barney on September 18, 20080 comments

Our Economy Ain't Dead Yet

All week, the financial news has been bleak. Lehman Brothers saying uncle, stocks falling faster than a base jumper, the doom-and-gloom analysts getting unlimited air time...

But I was living in a different world. At VMworld, there were some 10,000 customers looking to transform their shops, over 200 third parties creating a brand-new and vibrant market, and a company, VMware, looking to do revolutionary things -- doing it all with a fair bit a class and savvy.


Posted by Doug Barney on September 18, 20080 comments

XenServer Take 5

Everyone, it seems, is trying to crash VMware's big VMworld party. Microsoft's shenanigans this week are well-documented, but Citrix (also a pioneer in thin client computing) made some noise, too -- right in VMware's back yard: Citrix unveiled server virtualization tool XenServer 5.

Some have questioned Citrix's commitment to XenServer given that the company is so close to Microsoft and such a fan of Hyper-V. Perhaps XenServer 5 will help answer that question. New features focus on monitoring, disaster recovery and more options for third-party programs.


Posted by Doug Barney on September 18, 20080 comments

Sun Adds VMware to Virtual Line

Sun is one of the pioneers, if not the pioneer, in thin client computing. While the "Network Computer" that Scott McNealy and Larry Ellison talked about for years never quite materialized, the Sun Ray line is a very effective thin solution.

But just as Sun made up with Microsoft, it apparently isn't religious about thin client and other virtual tools. This week, in fact, Sun agreed to sell and support VMware's Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and Virtual Desktop Manager.


Posted by Doug Barney on September 18, 20080 comments

Just Say No to Other Hypervisors

In a Q&A session, Maritz was asked about support for non-VMware hypervisors. He said, "At this point in time, we don't support hypervisors other than our own," adding that VMware isn't religious about hypervisors and it would consider it if there was enough demand.

After private conversations, it's clear that the door is open for other hypervisors. The trouble is in doing things like VMotion with Hyper-V et al. that are so easily accomplished with ESX.

Posted by Doug Barney on September 17, 20080 comments

Mailbag: Firefox vs. IE...Again, Cloudy Computing, More

Readers talk browsers -- specifically, why Firefox trumps IE, and whether Netscape died a natural death:

I don't know what you don't like about Firefox. I find it fast, intuitive, extensible and easy to use. Granted, I've been in on this session since 1982; I've seen EVERY version of IE. I've seen everything that IE can possibly do and I am not happy with IE. I only use IE because of some Web sites, like the educational system's Web site. Otherwise, I do everything else in Firefox.

If I had to choose just one feature of Firefox that I rely on most, it's the infinite zoom feature.

Netscape definetely died. Take a look at Firefox (well, it's free). It's still gaining momentum over IE, and now Chrome is doing its part. If Netscape would've offered a very compelling reason to stick with it, it would be alive. But I'm sure it would be as freeware.

I think Microsoft did a good job (even tough, unconsciously) in making the market for the Web browsers at no cost. I don't think paying for such a piece of software would've improved the security and quality.



Posted by Doug Barney on September 17, 20080 comments

VMware Wants To Virtualize Everything

While Microsoft has a series of discrete tools for servers, PCs, applications and management, VMware is now talking about what it calls a Datacenter Operating System. If that wasn't bold enough, this OS (well, it's not really an OS) handles computers, networks and storage (not sure how Cisco and NetApp feel about all that). More

Posted by Doug Barney on September 17, 20080 comments

VMware CEO's Big Splash

New VMware CEO Paul Maritz stood in front of a crowd of (I'd have to guess) thousands and, like Sarah Palin, gave the speech of his life. What's the difference between a former VMware CEO and a pitbull? Lipstick. And if you put lipstick on Hyper-V, it's still Hyper-V.

No, Maritz really didn't say any of those things. In fact, that's probably the lamest joke I've ever penned (send barbs my way at [email protected]).


Posted by Doug Barney on September 17, 20080 comments

Mailbag: Seinfeld's Second Shot, More

Based on the aforementioned Michael's reaction, the second Seinfeld-Gates commercial is already more successful than the first :

In case you haven't seen it yet, here is the next installment. It's on YouTube. I was crying about 30 seconds in. That grandmother is hilarious.


Posted by Doug Barney on September 16, 20080 comments