Tech Partner Conference Offers Networking Opportunities
As you may know by now,
Redmond Channel Partner is hosting its inaugural TechPartner conference later this month in Orlando.
We're all excited about this independent event, which features a terrific lineup of speakers ready to share valuable insights on how Microsoft partners can make the most of Redmond's latest product releases.
But the RCP team is looking forward to TechPartner for another reason: the chance to spend time with a select group of readers. Our conference group has developed an intensive, value-packed agenda -- but you'll still have plenty of opportunity to meet and talk with RCP's top editors.
We'd be delighted to discuss your comments and questions about our magazine, our e-newsletter and our Web site -- and we'd love to hear your thoughts on any Microsoft- and channel-related issues you've got on your mind as well. (You'll also have the chance to mingle with our speakers, too.)
So if you haven't already registered for TechPartner, I personally invite you to do so now. Once you've signed up, e-mail me at [email protected] if you'd like to schedule a sit-down session with Editor in Chief Scott Bekker and me. If you'd rather keep things flexible, that's fine too -- feel free to chat with either of us at any time during the show.
I look forward to seeing you at the Walt Disney World Resort later this month! Visit for all the details.
Anne Stuart
Executive Editor
Redmond Channel Partner
Posted by Anne Stuart on March 06, 2007