Windows 8

Why 'Mango' Matters

There are three reasons why Windows Phone "Mango" will finally move the needle for Microsoft in the smartphone market.

Microsoft Partners Energized by 'Windows 8'

Citing "cool" factor, partners see the next OS interface as unifying Microsoft's platforms. Concerns surround how the touch orientation will translate to the desktop, and whether thorny OEM and development issues find quick resolutions.

3 Game Changers in Windows Phone 'Mango'

WEB EXCLUSIVE: The cards have been stacked against Windows Phone 7 since the outset. Will Mango be enough to swing the smartphone game to Microsoft's favor?

Microsoft Demos 'Windows 8' at D9 Conference

Microsoft showed off "Windows 8," the codename for its newest operating system, on Wednesday evening at the D9 Conference, which took place this week in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.

Microsoft Partners Rave About 'Windows 8' Interface

WEB EXCLUSVE: Despite some worries about how Windows 8's "touch focus" will appeal to desktop users, partners are calling the new OS something few Microsoft products have ever been called: cool.

Ballmer Says 'Windows 8' Coming in 2012

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer talked about the company's next-generation operating system on Monday in Japan, even going so far as to call it "Windows 8."

Next-Gen Windows Will Support SoCs, ARM Chips

Microsoft announced today that it is integrating its next-generation Windows client operating system on system-on-a-chip hardware and will use the ARM architecture.