Windows 10

Ballmer Drops Hints About Windows 7, Cloud Computing

Microsoft's CEO talked about Windows 7 and the company's vision for syncing up applications in the Internet cloud at a Gartner-sponsored event on Thursday.

Fake Microsoft Security Update Makes Rounds

Sophos quickly warns of fake Trojan-laden e-mail disguised as Microsoft Security Bulletin update hitting inboxes.

'Windows 7' No Longer a Code Name

In a break with tradition, Microsoft has decided to use the code name for the next version of Windows as the official moniker.

TechMentor Keynote Lays Out IT Best Practices

IT support teams can take a lesson from consumer grumblings about the commercial airline industry, says one keynote speaker at TechMentor Las Vegas.

Busy October Patch Cycle Comes Around with 11 Fixes

Security-minded admins have their work cut out for them, as Microsoft coughs up 11 fixes in its October patch cycle.

Microsoft Promises To Improve UAC in Windows 7

Microsoft has been talking about future changes to Windows Vista's most maligned feature, User Account Control (UAC).

11 Fixes Expected for Patch Tuesday

Microsoft's October patch release cycle promises to be a busy one as Redmond announced plans to roll out 11 security bulletins in its Tuesday security release.

Panelists Praise Vista Performance, Despite the 'Pain'

Microsoft Springboard Virtual Roundtable examined Vista performance, fielding technical views from panelists that had actually carried out system upgrades.

Ballmer Points to Others in 'Vista Capable' Lawsuit

Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer denied knowing the details of "Vista Capable," a Microsoft hardware certification and Vista marketing campaign.

Microsoft's BI Challenge, Round 2

Some internal movements at Redmond might have BI heavyweights on their toes.

WoW: Microsoft, Cisco Continue to Cozy Up

Windows Server on WAAS -- an appliance that merges Cisco's Wide Area Applications Services with Windows Server 2008 -- is available to order.

Deconstructing a Green Claim

Ten PCs = One Car? Here's how Microsoft interprets and derives this oft-repeated factoid.

Essential Business Server: Best Practices in a Box

While many partners eagerly await the debut of the solution formerly known as "Centro," some grumble that Microsoft's midmarket server bundle leaves them with too few third-party options.

Amazon To Host Microsoft Solutions in the Cloud

Amazon announced on Wednesday that it is conducting a private beta test of Microsoft's server products running on Amazon's hosted computing platform, which is called Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

Where Does Microsoft Want to Go Today?

Microsoft's roadmap for partners and customers continues to be muddled with too many goals and no defined direction.