Windows 10

Four Security Fixes Planned for Patch Tuesday

Microsoft plans to rollout four security bulletins for this month's patch cycle on Tuesday, with two "critical" items and two "important" patches on the slate.

EMC and Microsoft Push Out Virtualization Partnership

EMC and Microsoft formally renewed a partnership on Tuesday, extending their collaborative efforts on virtualization, content management and security solutions for the enterprise market through 2011.

Channel Gets a Crack at Windows 7

Microsoft has begun aggressively reaching out to the channel to prepare for the release of Windows 7.

Windows 7 Product Strategy Unveiled

Microsoft described its product lineup plans for its forthcoming Windows 7 operating system launch, expected in early 2010 or possibly earlier.

Enterprises Still Prefer XP, but Its Time Is Running Out

Windows XP powers "71 percent of PCs within North American and European enterprises," according to a report published last week by Forrester Research.

Oracle Expands SMB Reseller Program

Additional products become available for 1,000 resellers in Oracle's VAD Remarketer Program.

Watching the Foundations

Microsoft is losing market share on a few franchise products almost as aggressively as it gained that share in the 1990s.

A Peek Inside the Web's Underground Economy

New research sheds light on how bank-account credentials, credit-card numbers and other illicit goods are sold in a paranoid online black market.

Windows 7 Waits on Partner Readiness, Sinofsky Says

Users testing Microsoft's Windows 7 Beta have been asking Microsoft when it will release the final product, but Microsoft isn't saying right now, according to a Windows 7 team blog posted on Friday.

EU Dispute May Mean Unbundling Internet Explorer

A dispute with the European Union might change how Microsoft distributes its software in the region.

Testing Begins for Vista SP2 Release Candidate, Reports Say

Microsoft has advanced to the next testing phase by issuing Release Candidate "Escrow"-build versions of Service Pack 2.

Feds Slog Through Windows 7 Documentation

Microsoft's rollout of Windows 7 Beta, the company's newest operating system, has resulted in a stepped-up workload for the Department of Justice effort overseeing Microsoft's compliance with a past federal court antitrust ruling.

Security: OneCare a Flop? No Way, Microsoft Says

Redmond says it's replacing its consumer security suite with a free product to provide more protection for Windows users worldwide.

Microsoft Battles Worm, Rebuts CERT Claim

Microsoft is still trying to control the Conficker worm, both the bug itself and news about how it's handling it.

Some Software Giants Unscathed by Bad Economy

Despite grim stats announced on Thursday by Microsoft in its fiscal second-quarter report, at least one company in the software IT sector reported positive 2008 quarterly earnings.