Windows 10

New Opportunities with Terminal-Based Computing

Windows 2000 Terminal Services extends the reach of applications--and the administration behind them.

Meta-Directory Mindset

Integrating the directories of various operating systems isn't a simple matter. Michael lays out the challenge.

A Directories Primer

Gaining a solid understanding of directory services in general and Active Directory specifically will help in your efforts to work with Windows 2000.

Component-Based Administration

Objects, Part III. Ready to use some built-in Windows components to speed up routine tasks? Try these.

Certification Jumpstart

The first book on Windows 2000 certification is out -- and, in spite of its early arrival, it does a decent job of sparking your preparation efforts.

Betting Big on Windows 2000

We listened to our customers, our service partners, the MCP community, and vendors. We're confident that this attention will pay off for everyone.

Just Get It

Still pondering whether to buy Windows 2000? There are a billion reasons why you should not wait.

An Online Education

ZDU offers online Windows 2000 training, along with plenty of other topics, but this reviewer still prefers that personal touch when he learns.

The Windows 2000 Registry

No need to feel intimidated around the Registry. Here's a brief tour -- and your chance to modify the Registry safely.

Top 10 Security Fixes

Plugging the most well-known holes in your Windows NT network is surprisingly easy. The author takes you step by step through her favorites.

Group Think

Windows 2000 provides new mechanisms for keeping track of users and groups. But the familiar rules for managing them still apply.

Separating NT 4.0 from Win2K

A solid understanding of NT 4.0 will help you understand Windows 2000. This book spells out a track of attack for you.

Inside Windows Installer

With the advent of this Windows 2000 tool, there’s finally a concerted effort to get .DLL hell and similar problems under control.

Installing Windows 2000, Part 2

Configuration of Active Directory is the second step to a successful installation.

Your Future as an MCSE

The changes coming to your MCSE title with Windows 2000 give you a good reason to evaluate your career plans.