Windows 10

Awaiting a Vista Bounce

Microsoft calls Windows Vista its fastest-selling OS yet. Partners are waiting -- patiently -- for that momentum to reach the channel.

Vista Fixes Released, Then Removed

Microsoft's continuing infatuation with Windows Vista secrecy continues, with the company posting some updates on its Windows Connect site, then pulling them down.

Ozzie Reveals More About Live Platform Plans

Microsoft Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie has provided a slightly clearer look at the underlying development infrastructure set to power the company's "software-plus-services" initiative.

Microsoft: 60 Million Copies of Vista Sold

According to Microsoft COO Kevin Turner, Windows Vista has outsold Apple's entire installed base in the six months that Vista has been available.

Microsoft Confirms Windows XP SP3

An e-mail scant of details from a Microsoft spokesperson reveals that Windows XP SP3 will see release in the first half of 2008.

Microsoft Expansion on Horizon

Microsoft is changing, CEO Steve Ballmer said Thursday, with new frontiers opening in the areas of advertising, hardware and electronics.

Vista Market Share On Steady Growth Curve

Windows Vista is gaining market share and is poised to become the second-most popular OS, surpassing Apple's Mac OS X.

Is Windows XP Harming Vista Growth?

Windows Vista could mark a turning point for Microsoft: it may be the first desktop operating system from Redmond that suffers on the sales side because its predecessor works so well.

Next Windows Desktop OS: Windows 7

Windows Vista has barely been in the hands of consumers six months, but its successor already has a ship date.

Confusion Growing About Vista SP1 Release

There's growing confusion as to when Windows Vista SP1 is going to be released to the public, and even confusion about when it will be tested, and by whom.

Little Annoyances Still Big Vista Issue

Chris Pirillo leaned away from his webcam and pointed to his printer/scanner/fax machine, which stopped scanning and faxing after he installed Microsoft Corp.'s new Windows Vista operating system.

Live CRM: Can Microsoft Pull It Off?

Microsoft has jumped with both feet into the software plus services end of the pool, announcing the unveiling at its Worldwide Partner Conference this week of Microsoft Dynamics Live CRM.

Next Version of Live OneCare in Beta Testing

The next version of Windows Live OneCare, Microsoft's home and small-business security product, has been released for a live public beta.

Dell Introduces New Small-Business PCs

Dell Inc. is launching a new line of notebook and desktop personal computers called "Vostro" that are aimed at small businesses with 25 or fewer employees.

'Launch Wave' of Microsoft Products Coming in 2008

Feb. 27, 2008 promises to be one of the most important dates in Microsoft's 33-year history, as it will release a host of major new products, including Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008.