Solution Providers

Tackle the iNet+ Test

CompTIA's latest vendor-neutral certification proves your knowledge of Internet applications.

New Win2K Courses in Classrooms or Online

Microsoft Official Curriculum has been adapted to target a wider range of IT Professionals.

Who's Lookin' At You?

Intrusion detection isn’t just software—it means monitoring your network to discover attacks. Sometimes that infiltration comes from places you’d never expect.

Installing Windows 2000, Part 1

Planning is the first step to a successful installation.

Looks Like Home

You’ll recognize the architecture of Windows 2000, which builds on the solid foundation poured for NT 4.0.

Armchair Security

Roberta culls her considerable library to bring you some of the best and worst that’s been published on her favorite topic.

Microsoft Official Online Curriculum

Prepare for Windows 2000 with free, self-paced training courses from Microsoft. Also, find out what online training companies are ahead of the game with Microsoft Official Curriculum for Win2K.

Set Up a Flame-Proof Firewall

Worried about potential security gaps? Follow these seven steps to make sure your installation won’t melt under fire.

Your Credentials, Please...

About that new MCSE track...

Systems Engineering: Make the Internet Virtually Private

By implementing a VPN, you can use the world’s largest public network as a WAN that securely connects your remote users and branch offices.

Flatten Those Domains!

There’s no escaping migration to Windows 2000, and it’s going to be painful. Accept the pain and take the time to design an elegant directory now.

Master Windows 2000 with MOC

As you prepare for the next wave in networking, make sure you’re doing it right with Microsoft Official Curriculum.

New Windows 2000 Track Offers Opportunities

The new Windows 2000 track for MCSEs stresses enterprise complexity because it’s based on key findings from a survey of 2,800 IT professionals worldwide.

Readers Write

Our stalwart columnist tackles your toughest security questions.

Also Available in Vanilla

There'll be a dozen flavors of Windows 2000 to suit just about every IT professional. Plus, fan mail!