Interactive exercises and video animations are key
features of TestOut!’s Win2K exam prep materials.
But will you be confused by some inconsistencies
in the product?
- By James Carrion
- February 01, 2001
Once you set up AD, who’s going to maintain it all?
These four tools address delegation and management
- By Chip Andrews
- February 01, 2001
This Windows 2000 instructor says you need to understand five things about Active Directory/ Windows NT 4.0 interoperability before tackling your first deployment.
- By Andrew Lindley
- February 01, 2001
PVN? USN? Who was right?
- By Dian Schaffhauser
- February 01, 2001
An offline defragmentation is the only way to shrink an NTDIS.DIT file and reclaim space. Here's how to do it the right way.
- By Jeremy Moskowitz
- February 01, 2001
When somebody in your organization blows away some part of the AD database, you can resurrect its contents using the little-understood process, Authoritative Restore. Here’s how it works.
- By Jeremy Moskowitz
- February 01, 2001
Driven by a simple, application-based security rule-set, ZoneAlarm keeps computer invaders at bay.
- By Chip Andrews
- January 01, 2001
Despite the common thought that the Emergency Repair Disk utility is MIA in Win2K, this backup tool is alive and well — and ready to save the day.
- By Michael Chacon
- January 01, 2001
Now that you know what Active Directory is — and how vital it is — what are you doing to keep it safe?
- By Roberta Bragg
- January 01, 2001
Implementing Active Directory (AD) is a daunting task requiring extensive planning and testing, and this New Riders' release emphasizes just how important this preparation is.
- By Robert Pfeiffer
- January 01, 2001
Though uneven in presentation, this video series still is a help for those linking the disparate operating systems.
- By Charles Aulds
- January 01, 2001
Almost a year later and Windows 2000 has stood the test of time. So, what's stopping you from implementing it? Here's why you shouldn't wait much longer.
- By Harry Brelsford
- January 01, 2001
As your Web site grows, you must find a way to manage traffic. Here are some load-balancing technologies that can help your site zip right along.
- By Tony Northrup
- January 01, 2001
TCPView ferrets out connection information.
- By Mike Gunderloy
- January 01, 2001
If the devil is in the details, the details (on Active Directory) are here.
- By Paul G. Brown
- January 01, 2001