Solution Providers

Clean Up Your Room

Two-steps to sanity ... er ... a cleaner server.

Microsoft Investigates Word Flaw

A newly disclosed flaw in Microsoft Word could let malicious hackers take control of victims' computers by sending them e-mail with a Word document attached.

Microsoft Ships CTP of PerformancePoint

Microsoft announced Tuesday it is shipping the first community technology preview (CTP) of a new business intelligence tool dubbed PerformancePoint server.

Auditing Locally Shared Folders

Here’s a script that enumerates all shared folders on all computers in your domain.

Plaintiffs in Microsoft Case Won't Call Gates

Gates deposition from 1998 tobe used in case in lieu of appearance that would "cause disruption."

Hacker Toolkit Cloaks Browser Exploits

Plus: Yahoo! e-mail addresses getting rejected by U.K. site, and yet another Microsoft exploit -- this time for PowerPoint.

New E-Discovery Rules Benefit Some Firms

Companies that help businesses track and search their e-mails and other electronic data are experiencing a surge of interest in the wake of federal rule changes that clarify requirements to produce such evidence in lawsuits.

Romanian Indicted for Hacking U.S. Computers

A Romanian national was indicted on charges of hacking into more than 150 U.S. government computers, causing disruptions that cost NASA, the Energy Department and the Navy nearly $1.5 million.

It's Happening!

After many delays, Vista sees daylight. You can now get busy.

Get Ready for Live

Microsoft Office Live has gone live. Are you ready to capitalize?

Marching Orders for 2007

New software from Microsoft, new avenues for partner growth. Advice from Microsoft executives and channel luminaries on how to maximize partner opportunies in 2007.

Azaleos: Simplifying Exchange

Azaleos aims to capitalize on the complexity of Exchange by offering an e-mail appliance and monitoring service that eases customer headaches.

U.S. Reports Unconfirmed Cyber Threat

The government warned on Thursday of a possible Internet attack on U.S. stock market and banking Web sites from a radical Muslim group, but officials said the threat was unconfirmed and seemed to pose no immediate danger.

U.S. Warns of Financial Cyber Attack

The government issued an alert Thursday to U.S. stock market and banking Web sites about a possible Internet attack

SCO Case: Linux Code Claims Tossed

U.S. judge tosses most of SCO Group Inc. claims over Linux code