Solution Providers

Gates: Secure Data Remains Key Challenge

Keeping information secure in this age of laptop-lugging workers is the tech industry's most formidable challenge, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said.

German Police Barred from Secret Internet Computer Searches

Police cannot secretly search suspects' computer hard drives over the Internet, a German court ruled Monday.

Gorbachev Asks Gates To Intervene in Russian Windows Piracy Case

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has asked Microsoft chairman Bill Gates to intervene in the case of a Russian school principal facing a prison term for buying pirated Windows software for his students, according to a statement.

Hackers Attack Key Net Traffic Computers

Hackers briefly overwhelmed at least three of the 13 computers that help manage global computer traffic Tuesday.

Zero-Day Exploit for Excel Now, Too

Microsoft last week added another to a running tally of Office zero-day exploits that currently includes four known Word attacks.The software giant confirmed that it was investigating reports of a new round of "very limited" Excel zero-day attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in Office 2000, Office 2002 (XP), Office 2003 and Office 2004 Mac Edition.

SP3 Beta Bows for Systems Management Server 2003

Microsoft has begun the open beta of Service Pack 3 for its aging Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003.

Microsoft: Not Behind Russia Piracy Case

Microsoft said it had no role in Russia's investigation of a school principal on charges of buying pirated Windows software.

VA Hard Drive With Personal Data Missing

A portable hard drive that may contain the personal information of up to 48,000 veterans may have been stolen, the Department of Veterans Affairs and a lawmaker said Friday.

German Court Bars Stealth PC Searches

Police cannot secretly search suspects' computer hard drives over the Internet, a German court ruled Monday.

Apple Urges iTunes Users To Wait for Vista Compatibility Fix

Apple Inc. is urging some iPod and iTunes users to hold off on upgrading their computers to Windows Vista, warning that the iTunes music software may not work well with the new operating system from rival Microsoft Corp.

Dutch Spammer Fined $97,000

A spammer whom authorities say e-mailed more than 9 billion unwanted advertisements faces a hefty fine.

VA Hard Drive With Personal Data Missing

A portable hard drive that may contain the personal information of up to 48,000 veterans may have been stolen.

Apple: ITunes Users Should Wait on Vista

Apple is urging some iPod/iTunes users to hold off on upgrading computers to Windows Vista.

EU Microsoft Judge: Ruling by September

The judge due to rule on Microsoft's appeal against the European Commission's antitrust order hopes to publish his decision before he leaves office in September.

The New Office: Something for Everyone

Office 2007 gives familiar applications a welcome makeover on both the interface and file-format level.