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New Views on Vista

Results of CDW's survey of 753 U.S. IT decision-makers.

UPDATED: Vista Desktop Search Fight Gets Uglier

The Microsoft-Google spitting match over desktop search is getting wetter every day, with Google now claiming that Microsoft's remedies don't go far enough, and Microsoft arguing that Google has a bad case of sour grapes.

Masters of Disaster

Partners do their best to help customers survive the worst.

The Bugs Keep Coming for Safari on Windows

Unless there's a pressing need in your environment, you might want to hold off on installing the beta of Apple's Safari browser for Windows, as every day seems to bring a new bug report.

Swiss Internet Terror Trial Opens

A North African man and his wife went on trial Wednesday on charges they ran Web sites that supported al-Qaida-linked groups with videos of people killed by terrorists and information on how to make bombs.

Ohio Gov.: Stolen Tape Had Taxpayer Info

A missing computer backup tape containing personal information on state employees also holds the names and Social Security numbers of 225,000 taxpayers, Gov. Ted Strickland said.

Backlash Against IP Protection Deals Heating Up

For the past several weeks, there has been a rush among some Linux vendors to ink patent protection deals with Microsoft. But that may have spurred a backlash, as other Linux companies are asserting their independence by refusing to go along with what they see as knuckling under to Microsoft's legal threats.

Microsoft: Vista Has Fewest Vulnerabilities at 6-Month Mark

Windows Vista, in its first half-year of life, has proven to be an exceptionally secure operating system -- much more secure, in fact, than competing desktop OSes, according to Microsoft.

France Warns Officials on BlackBerry Use

BlackBerry handhelds have been called addictive, invasive, wonderful -- and now, a threat to French state secrets. That, at least, is the fear of French government defense experts, who have advised against their use by officials in France's corridors of power, reportedly to avoid snooping by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Cyber Attack Hits Pentagon

The Defense Department took as many as 1,500 computers off line because of a cyber attack, Pentagon officials said Thursday.

UPDATED: Microsoft To Make Changes to Vista Search

Microsoft has agreed to make changes to its search capabilities in Windows Vista, in response to federal anti-competitive charges leveled by Google. The changes will be part of Vista's service pack 1, which Microsoft said it hopes to have ready by the "end of the year."

Image Attachments for Spam Decline

A common spamming technique of sending unwanted e-mail pitches as image attachments rather than text is on the decline, as spammers continue adapting their methods for sneaking past e-mail filters.

About-Face on Vista Virtualization Licensing

Microsoft has done an about-face on virtualization licensing for Windows Vista and decided to maintain the status quo.

Tech Security Companies Are Hot Targets

For sale: A technology security company. Which one? Pretty much any of them.

Microsoft Partnering With GigaSpaces

Microsoft Corp. has partnered with Israel-based GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. to bundle the vendor's extreme transaction processing middleware with a Microsoft front-end and enterprise grid. The agreement is on the heels of GigaSpaces' announcement of version 6.0 of its flagship data grid and caching platform, expected in September.