Solution Providers

VS Beta 2: Bug Fixes, Final Features, Polish and Shine

The folks in Microsoft's Developer Division probably didn't mind the damp and drizzle of summer in Seattle as much this year, as they worked feverishly to polish the next iteration of the mothership. So far, it looks like the long hours paid off. Beta 2 of Microsoft's Visual Studio (VS) 2008 IDE and .NET 3.5 landed, fully loaded, the last week in July.

A Prickly Commerce Server Solution

Microsoft on Wednesday tried to clear up nagging questions about its Commerce Server roadmap and did. Kind of.

Microsoft Releases Vista Updates to Public

Microsoft on Tuesday officially released several updates for Windows Vista -- fixes that were initially released to the public last week, before being pulled down.

Researcher: Flaw Exposes Hack Threat

Terrorists and other criminals could exploit a newly discovered software flaw to hijack massive computer systems used to control critical infrastructure like oil refineries, power plants and factories, a researcher said Saturday.

VMware Releases Virtualization Software for Mac

VMware has the latest entry in the growing market for software that allows Windows to be run on a Mac.

Microsoft Web Server Threatens Open Source Leader

Microsoft's Web server, Internet Information Server (IIS), continues to gain against longtime leader Apache, and could end up surpassing it if current trends continue.

Computer Security Problems Found at IRS

IRS employees ignored security rules and turned over sensitive computer information to a caller posing as a technical support person, according to a government study.

Microsoft Works Goes Free, Ad-Supported

Microsoft Corp. will test a free, advertising-supported version of Works, an already inexpensive package of word processing, spreadsheet and other programs, but would not say whether it is exploring a similar Web-based suite.

Policy Management Tweak Misses Cut in 2nd SQL Server 2008 CTP

Anticipated improvements to the way polices are set up and managed in one or more instances did not make it into the second CTP of SQL Server 2008.

Apple Releases Security Patch for IPhone

Apple Inc. has issued a software patch to fix some security holes that independent security researchers recently discovered for the company's vaunted iPhone.

Getting a Handle on Peer-to-Peer Applications

Watch out for security pitfalls, such as increasingly popular instant messaging apps.

Microsoft Forefront Aims to Integrate Security

For customers struggling to manage and maintain security wares from multiple vendors, Forefront offers a Microsoft-centric alternative.

Microsoft Myths

Deconstructing the most common statistics and figures about the Microsoft Partner Program.

Awaiting a Vista Bounce

Microsoft calls Windows Vista its fastest-selling OS yet. Partners are waiting -- patiently -- for that momentum to reach the channel.

Vista Fixes Released, Then Removed

Microsoft's continuing infatuation with Windows Vista secrecy continues, with the company posting some updates on its Windows Connect site, then pulling them down.