Solution Providers

Salary Survey: IT Workers Continue To Flourish

IT workers continue to ride a strong wave of increasing experience to a third straight year of high earnings, according to <i>Redmond</i> magazine's 12th annual Salary Survey.

CodeGear Unveils IDE for Rapid Web Development

CodeGear is releasing a rapid application development (RAD) environment for database-driven Web-based applications that supports multiple versions of Microsoft Windows as well as the .NET Framework. The company's new RAD Studio 2007integrated development environment (IDE) supports Windows 2000, XP and Vista operating systems.

W3C Publishes Web Services Policy 1.5

Group devises a more flexible method of handling policy changes for Web services and service-oriented architectures.

'Windows Live' Gets a Step Closer to Live

The next beta versions of the products that make up the Windows Live suite were made available today.

Microsoft Releases Silverlight

Microsoft has turned on the Silverlight.

Microsoft Antitrust Compliance on Track

Microsoft Corp. has submitted a test version of its Windows Vista operating system with features that make it easier to use non-Microsoft programs to search PC hard drives, according to a report issued by the Justice Department Friday.

Security Showdown

Microsoft's entry into enterprise security has market leader Symantec gearing up for a fight -- but not necessarily doing more to attract Microsoft partners.

Monster Breach Teaches Familiar Lessons

By now, the perils of securing online data with little more than user names and passwords should be well known. learned that lesson late and the hard way, prompting this week's announcement that the Web jobs board will spend millions of dollars to improve its security.

What's Behind the Windows Server 2008 Delay?

Microsoft published almost no details earlier this week with its announcement that Windows Server 2008's release to manufacturing date had slipped.

States Seek More Oversight of Microsoft

A group of states led by California said in a court filing Thursday that ending oversight of Microsoft's business practices in November would not allow enough time to consider the antitrust implications of Windows Vista.

Microsoft To Buy Parlano

Microsoft announced on Thursday that it intends to buy Parlano, a Chicago-based company it has already worked closely with on enterprise communications software.

Windows Vista SP1 Due in Early 2008

A public beta will be available in a few weeks

Search Changes Coming in Vista SP1

Although Microsoft didn't mention it in today's announcement about the upcoming release of Windows Vista SP1, the company confirmed today that one of the major changes will be to open up desktop search functionality to competition.

Windows XP SP3 Coming Next Year

Windows XP's first service pack in nearly four years should be pushed out the door some time around mid-2008, according to Microsoft.

Windows Server 2008 Pushed Back -- Again

Windows Server 2008, Microsoft's delay-plagued next-generation server OS, is being delayed yet again.