Solution Providers

Where Does Microsoft Want to Go Today?

Microsoft's roadmap for partners and customers continues to be muddled with too many goals and no defined direction.

Payment Card Security Toughens With DSS 1.2 Release

The Payment Card Industry Council on Wednesday released an updated version of its PCI data security standard, which is designed to help protect transmitted charge and debit card information.

Simonyi in Space Take II

Microsoft Office pioneer Charles Simonyi, PhD, will visit space for the second time in the spring of 2009, according to Space Adventures, a Virginia-based company that organizes flights for private space explorers.</

Private Browsing's False Sense of Security

They call it private browsing. Microsoft recently released a beta version of Internet Explorer 8 that offers it. You'll find it in Mozilla's Firefox and the new Google Chrome. Apple's Safari has offered the feature for some time.

UPDATED: Browser-Makers Seek Clickjacking Fix

What is clickjacking? Security pros are trying to make sense of a new bug found by researchers that apparently affects various Web browsers, including Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

It's Official: Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0

Microsoft is revealing more about its plans for the next generation of Visual Studio Team System (code-named Rosario), part of the now officially named Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 rollout.

AppSense Partners With CSC on Hosted Desktop Solution

AppSense Ltd. announced a desktop virtualization marketing deal with IT services company CSC, based in Falls Church, Va.

Microsoft Takes Stock, and Ballmer Hits the Road

Microsoft has been sending signals to investors this week amidst a U.S. economy teetering on the edge of a major financial meltdown.

Cisco's UC Platform Signals IBM, Microsoft Tussle

Cisco, a company synonymous with telecommunications networks, is flexing its muscles in yet another arena -- unified communications.

Virtualization Not as Easy as 1-2-3

Technology executives are turning to virtual systems to lower costs and reduce energy costs, but issues with the technology remain, according to a survey which also found companies struggling with service and power consumption issues.

SQL Server 2008 Hits High Mark, Minus the Competition

Microsoft cited top TCP-E benchmark results for SQL Server 2008, but there's just one problem -- the test fielded no other DBMS competitors.

Windows 7 Bits To Be Released at PDC'08

Microsoft hopes to draw crowds to its upcoming Professional Developers Conference by making Windows 7 bits available to the public attending the event.

U.S. Tops List as Source for Botnet Attacks

The United States was the top source of distributed attack traffic, originating nearly three times as many attacks as second-place China, according to a recent study by security service provider SecureWorks Inc.

VMware Launches vClient, Aims To Create Desktops That Follow Users Anywhere

In an announcement at VMworld last week, VMware unveiled plans to deliver a portfolio of solutions intended to turn virtualized desktops into "universal clients." The initiative, dubbed vClient, begins with a series of products called VMware View.

McAfee To Acquire Secure Computing

McAfee Inc. has agreed to purchase Secure Computing Corp. for about $465 million.