A memo purportedly from Microsoft to its OEM partners suggests that Microsoft will offer upgrades from Windows Vista to Windows 7, starting possibly on July 1, 2009.
- By Kurt Mackie
- January 06, 2009
Bob Muglia, a Microsoft veteran of 21 years, has been named to the newly created position of president of Microsoft's Server and Tools Division.
- By Herb Torrens
- January 06, 2009
Microsoft has issued a patent application, published on Dec. 25, that specifies the metered use of computers.
- By Kurt Mackie
- January 06, 2009
The upcoming Windows 7 beta -- scheduled to be released this month -- found its way onto the Internet over the holidays.
- By Becky Nagel
- January 05, 2009
Bloggers and analysts on Monday poured cold water on rumors that Microsoft plans to lay off a substantial number of its employees.
- By Herb Torrens
- January 05, 2009
Sun Microsystems recently released the latest version of its desktop virtualization software, xVM VirtualBox.
- By John K. Waters
- January 04, 2009
The Dynamics-in-the-cloud vision remains murky, but partners can take part in giving it shape as Microsoft figures out how to deliver it the right way.
- By Joshua Greenbaum
- January 01, 2009
Uncertain financial climate, new U.S. president, new Windows OS -- all on the horizon and bound to affect partners in some way.
- By Scott Bekker
- January 01, 2009
Microsoft should learn a couple of things from its Vista missteps.
- By Mary Jo Foley
- January 01, 2009
In a change with implications for the channel, Enrique Salem will replace John Thompson as CEO in April.
- By Scott Bekker
- January 01, 2009
A top Microsoft official says the company expects to release a beta version of its next operating system this month-with a launch to follow in early 2010.
- By Kurt Mackie
- January 01, 2009
Redmond continues to investigate a new zero-day bug affecting popular database application SQL Server.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- December 23, 2008
MySQL 5.1 was released by Sun Microsystems in April, but I decided to test it out this month.
- By Will Kraft
- December 19, 2008
The public release of Windows 7 Beta 1 is expected next month, but speculation that it might appear earlier popped up on Friday from a few sources.
- By Kurt Mackie
- December 19, 2008
While developers feel blindsided by Microsoft's shift to Entity Framework, company officials defend move and say LINQ to SQL is not on death row.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- December 18, 2008