Solution Providers

Microsoft: Your PBX Is 'Dead'

Microsoft on Tuesday rolled out its "launch experience" of Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS) Release 2, a unified communications (UC) product first unveiled in October.

Microsoft Opens Up Web Sandbox

The source code for Microsoft's Web Sandbox is now available under an open license.

Internal Security Lapse Seen in Fannie Mae Case

Insider threats to data security via theft or sabotage are sure to rise, especially as companies increase employee layoffs during a bad economy.

Enterprises Still Prefer XP, but Its Time Is Running Out

Windows XP powers "71 percent of PCs within North American and European enterprises," according to a report published last week by Forrester Research.

Study: Wi-Fi Networks Help Rapid Spread of Worms

An international team of computer scientists has demonstrated in the lab that it is possible for overlapping Wi-Fi networks in densely populated areas to support the rapid spread of malicious code that could infect an entire city in a matter of weeks.

Xenocode Upgrades Application Virtualization Tool

Xenocode, the Seattle-based maker of virtualization tools, today released the latest version of its Virtual Application Studio, a developer-focused authoring environment for virtualizing existing Windows-based applications.

Piecing Together Your Virtualization Model

Rapid growth in virtual technology means partners with the right business plan can reap serious profits.

Oracle Expands SMB Reseller Program

Additional products become available for 1,000 resellers in Oracle's VAD Remarketer Program.

Watching the Foundations

Microsoft is losing market share on a few franchise products almost as aggressively as it gained that share in the 1990s.

A Peek Inside the Web's Underground Economy

New research sheds light on how bank-account credentials, credit-card numbers and other illicit goods are sold in a paranoid online black market.

Windows Mobile: Call Waiting?

Developers ask if Windows Mobile is on hold.

Clickjacking Flaw Hits Chrome and Firefox

Though Microsoft may have gotten ahead of the browser-security curve with RC1 of IE 8, which includes a feature that helps protect against clickjacking attacks, recent developments suggest that other browsers haven't quite caught up yet.

Windows 7 Waits on Partner Readiness, Sinofsky Says

Users testing Microsoft's Windows 7 Beta have been asking Microsoft when it will release the final product, but Microsoft isn't saying right now, according to a Windows 7 team blog posted on Friday.

EU Dispute May Mean Unbundling Internet Explorer

A dispute with the European Union might change how Microsoft distributes its software in the region.

Testing Begins for Vista SP2 Release Candidate, Reports Say

Microsoft has advanced to the next testing phase by issuing Release Candidate "Escrow"-build versions of Service Pack 2.