Mike Nash, Microsoft's corporate vice president for Windows product management, talks about the status of IE 8 RC1.
- By Doug Barney and Kurt Mackie
- March 09, 2009
Server virtualization is being implemented at the majority of firms, in both enterprise (1,000 seats or more) and small-to-medium (SMB) business segments, according to two separate Forrester Research reports.
- By Herb Torrens
- March 06, 2009
Microsoft will expand the list of "features" that can be disabled when the Windows 7 Release Candidate becomes available, including the ability to turn off IE 8.
- By Kurt Mackie
- March 06, 2009
The European Commission (EC) on Wednesday announced that it is changing its full-time monitoring of Microsoft's compliance with a 2004 antitrust decision, and instead will use technical consultants for monitoring on an "ad hoc" basis.
- By Kurt Mackie
- March 05, 2009
Microsoft this week unexpectedly issued a second release candidate of its ASP.NET Model View Controller, the company's a design pattern for test-driven development of enterprise-scale Web applications.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- March 05, 2009
Microsoft plans to issue three fixes in its March security patch rollout, with one deemed "critical" and two labeled "important."
- By Jabulani Leffall
- March 05, 2009
The botnets responsible for so much spam appear to be in a rebuilding phase, but any respite is likely to be brief and new threats loom on the horizon, according to e-mail security firm MX Logic.
- By William Jackson
- March 05, 2009
As Microsoft's main front man on security, Roger Halbheer has a tall order to fill.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- March 05, 2009
Microsoft on Wednesday explained how the needs of enterprise users were considered in the early design stages of its new Windows 7 operating system.
- By Kurt Mackie
- March 04, 2009
On its face, Microsoft's SQL Server Fast Track Data Warehouse could be a serious challenge to the data warehouse appliance players that have targeted SQL Server's shortcomings in large DW configurations, but DW appliance vendors aren't worried.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- March 04, 2009
New research from Gartner predicts that sales of virtualization software could jump by nearly 50 percent this year.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- March 03, 2009
Microsoft responded to queries about its January jobs cuts sent by Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa.
- By Kurt Mackie
- March 03, 2009
Financial analysts attending the Morgan Stanley Technology Conference on Tuesday questioned Stephen Elop, president of Microsoft's Business Division, on Microsoft's various business plans.
- By Kurt Mackie
- March 03, 2009
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is updating its recommendations for meeting the unusual security challenges presented by the domain name system.
- By William Jackson
- March 03, 2009
New program allows partners to start selling Citrix products before lining up technical certifications.
- By Scott Bekker
- March 02, 2009