Solution Providers

SAP Now Supported on Hyper-V R2

SAP announced last week that its enterprise infrastructure software is now supported by Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008 R2.

Microsoft Reports Bug in Web Security Protocols

Microsoft on Tuesday warned of a "vulnerability" associated with two protocols commonly used to establish secure client-server communications.

Windows 7 'Early Adopters' Described in Report

A report issued last week by Forrester Research found generally positive views about Windows 7 among some early adopters.

Hefty February Security Patch Arrives

Microsoft's February security update marks another notable Patch Tuesday, with 13 patches addressing more than 26 vulnerabilities.

Microsoft Tells Windows 7 Users To Change Their Batteries

Windows 7 users who have received alarming messages about needing to replace their laptop batteries may just be getting better information.

Koefoed Touts Windows 7 at Investor Event

A key Microsoft executive answered questions about the company's business prospects at the Thomas Weisel Technology & Telecom Conference on Monday.

SAP Shakes Up Exec Suite

SAP replaced its CEO Leo Apotheker with two co-chief executives, the company announced on Sunday.

Microsoft, NSF Open Azure to Researchers

Academic researchers can now apply for free access to Microsoft's Windows Azure cloud services.

Tuesday's Patch Will Be a Windows Wash

Microsoft today signaled that a hefty batch of security fixes will arrive on Tuesday.

Microsoft Warns of IE Bug on Windows XP

Microsoft released yet another security advisory for Internet Explorer on Wednesday, mostly applying to Windows XP users.

Windows 7 'Battery Failure' Bug Under Investigation

Microsoft is responding to complaints from some Windows 7 users about a message that suggests impending battery failure when using a laptop.

Exchange 2010 Upgrade Strategies Outlined in Report

IT shops should assess their environments before upgrading to Microsoft Exchange 2010, according to a Forrester Research report published last week.

VMware, Cisco, NetApp in Cloud Security Effort

VMware last week teamed up with Cisco and NetApp to promote a virtualized datacenter offering geared toward shared or public cloud environments.

Google Pulls Support for Internet Explorer 6

Support for Internet Explorer 6 appears to be dwindling after Microsoft's Web browser was exploited for well-publicized attacks on Google and other companies.

Spyrus To Offer 'Secure' Portable Windows OS

Spyrus Inc. plans to release a portable USB device marketed as "secure Windows on a stick."