SharePoint Server

Ready-to-Go Campaign Released for SharePoint 2010

Materials focus on partners serving customers with 250 seats or more.

Microsoft Releases Office 2010, SharePoint 2010 Betas

Microsoft on Monday released betas of Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 to its MSDN and TechNet subscribers.

BPOS Gets a Facelift

Despite the ongoing recession, partner peer-group members are holding their own for now -- and watching for the cloud on the horizon.

Online Office Market Gets New Access Options

Zoho is making further inroads in the online office market with the introduction of a unified log-in mechanism that allows users to use their Google and Yahoo ID to access Zoho's suite of Office-like apps.

Zoho Adds Another Microsoft Plug-In to SaaS Offerings

SaaS provider Zoho announced yet another online collaboration platform aimed at legacy Microsoft offerings: Zoho Plug-in for Microsoft Access.

Hotfixes Issued for SharePoint SP2 Glitch

Microsoft on Thursday announced that hotfixes are now available to patch a SharePoint 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) glitch that surfaced last month.

PerformancePoint Server Planning Gets New Lease on Life

Microsoft last week unveiled a surprise concession for users of its Office PerformancePoint Server product: a new Financial Planning Accelerator offering that could extend the life of that product.

Microsoft Forms Social Networking Partner Alliance

Microsoft on Wednesday announced the creation of the "Social Enterprise Alliance," a partnership centered on the customization and integration of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007.

Microsoft Alert: Big Problem With SharePoint Service Pack 2

Microsoft on Friday announced that there's a problem for those who applied Service Pack 2 (SP2) to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) -- namely, it's timed to expire in 180 days.

Groove To Get a Name Change

Microsoft Office Groove 2007 will get a name change next year that's more in tune with the SharePoint side of things.

Middleware Market Hits the Brakes in 2009

The middleware software market has entered the slow lane in 2009, according to a Gartner report announced on Wednesday.

SharePoint Bonanza: SP2 and Dev Kits Released

Microsoft announced some SharePoint product updates that may have gotten trampled under a stampede of information flowing out of Redmond this week.

Reporter's Notebook: Cloud Security a Key Focus at RSA

Concerns about the security implications of evolving cloud computing technologies dominated last week's annual RSA Conference.

Microsoft Expands Cloud Services Partner Network

Microsoft on Monday stepped up its services push by announcing a partner-driven effort to deliver hosted Microsoft applications in 19 countries.

Channel: Apptix Looks to Channel for Growth

Hosting company launches partner program to sell hosted Exchange, SharePoint and other products.