Sales and Marketing

Dell Now Selling Microsoft Software via Download

Dell announced late last week that it is the first company aside from Microsoft to offer Microsoft software for sale via direct download.

Microsoft Chases the Discount Bandwagon

In this economy, we're relying on quick, easy gimmicks to keep the money moving. Aggressive discounts are what's working for Microsoft.

Web Wise on the Sales Side

Partner Web sites should be more than marketing vehicles -- they should be sales tools as well.

Web 2.0 Series: Web Wise

The best business Web sites are more than online billboards -- they're powerful sales tools. Here's how some Microsoft partners are using their public sites to attract new customers and better serve their existing ones.

Marketing Lessons from the Obama Campaign

Microsoft partners can learn some valuable marketing lessons from Obama's campaign successes. Here's a list of eight that you can pu tot use now.

PC Market 'Healthy' Despite Weak Demand in Europe

Personal computer shipments grew roughly 10 percent in the second quarter despite soft sales in Europe, two influential research firms reported Wednesday.

Microsoft To Update Hosting Solution

Microsoft will ship early next month an update to its Web hosting package that takes advantage of recently released products and technologies.