Sales and Marketing

To Get in Good with Microsoft, Find the Right Salesperson

As Microsoft moves ever closer to a subscription-based model, connecting with the right salesperson isn't just strategy -- it's key.

For Top Partners, Microsoft Extends Invitation into 'Elite' Clubs

Microsoft is looking to add U.S. partners to special programs serving SMB customers both on-premise and in the cloud.

WPC 2012: Microsoft Upends Dynamics Partner Incentive Model

Microsoft is making major changes to the way partners can earn money on the Dynamics suite of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) products.

WPC 2012: Office 365 Partners To Get Direct Billing

Microsoft for the first time will allow its broad base of partners to handle customer billing for the Office 365 suite, addressing what has been the single biggest controversy in the Microsoft channel for the last few years.

Playing Games with Sales

Sales contests are a great way to encourage high performance among sales teams while keeping it light. Here are some tips for setting up a sales contest.

Now Is the Time To Become an IT Services Company

In the new technology marketplace, it's the buyers -- not the sellers -- who have the power. And buyers are increasingly focused on intangibles.

6 Steps in De-Emphasizing Outside Sales

During your early-stage and late-stage implementation phase, consider other steps where an inside approach can be implemented.

IBM Steers Partners Toward Integrated Hardware and Software

Big Blue's new CEO hails new era of computing based on intelligent systems that can crunch Big Data.

In the New Partner Channel, Who's Doing the Selling?

As more IT firms continue to adopt the professional practice model, the traditional salesperson no longer fits the model.

For Partners, the Cloud Keeps Getting Cloudier

The fight for market share is intensifying, and as a result the costs for a share point of growth are getting frightfully more expensive.

2012: The Year of Cloud Acceleration

All this cloud hype will finally come to a head next year. Here's what your business needs to do to get ready.

The 3 Stages of Cloud Sales Mastery

A quick progression from the moment you meet a prospect to the moment you close the opportunity is critical to a partner's cloud business. The "Velocity Sales Process" shows you how to get from Point A to Point B.

The ABCs of a Productive Channel

This isn't rocket science. Lay out a plan by week, by month, by quarter and by year for all of your communications and then execute that plan.

HP Gives Partners First Crack at ServiceOne

Hewlett-Packard is looking to make it easier for partners to offer its portfolio of services to customers.

9 Ways To Measure Your Company's Cloud Success

The transition to the cloud is a huge challenge for most business models. Here are nine key performance indicators for tracking your company's cloud progress.