Sales and Marketing

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Registration Opens for Microsoft's New Summer Partner Event

Microsoft's flagship partner conference, Inspire, may not be taking place as usual this year, but the company is launching a new event in its place.

State of the Channel Report: We're in the Midst of a Big-Three Channel Pivot

Three industry trends are "redefining the current state of the channel," say researchers at Ingram Micro Cloud.

You're Doing Your Web Site Wrong: How Microsoft Partners Can Win on the Web

A review of the Web sites of the RCP 200 reveals best practices and interesting trends -- as well as areas for improvement -- in the public face that Microsoft partners present to the world.

To Explain Microsoft's Cloud Stacks, Partners Use Periodic Tables

It's elementary.

Microsoft FastTrack: Partner Friend or Foe?

As Microsoft expands the reach of FastTrack quarter-by-quarter with little guidance on what's coming next, partners struggle to stay ahead of the program with higher-value services.

Microsoft CSP Program Pushes Partners To Change Gears

More than being just a new offering, the CSP program requires Microsoft partners to design the business model that will take them into the future.

Partners: Forget Microsoft's 'Cloud Consumption' Directive

Howard thinks it's time for partners to treat Microsoft with the same benign neglect it shows them.

Hiring? Make Sure To Get a Business Analyst

Technology pros may still be the core of your partner business, but you need a BA who can translate technology into real terms that business users understand.

Microsoft, Adobe Partner on Integrated Marketing Solution

Microsoft and Adobe this week launched an effort aimed at expanding the scope of their respective marketing products.

A Brave New World of Partner Billing in the Cloud

There are now almost as many ways to bill for the cloud services that partners deliver to customers as there are cloud services.

The Partner Opportunity in Packaging Microsoft's Power BI

As much as business intelligence has gone mainstream, it's still not a simple conversation. One Microsoft partner has found a solution to reduce customer confusion.

In the Cloud and IP Era, Partners Rethink the Role of Salespeople

As the channel shifts further and further away from selling products, customers tell us more and more how they don't want to talk with salespeople anymore.

Face Value: 5 Reasons Partners Should Visit Their Customers

As one Microsoft systems integrator has found, having regular face-to-face meetings with customers can really pay off -- sometimes literally.

Microsoft Channel Chief Details Updates to Partner Resources

Microsoft's top channel executive outlined some of the company's plans to ramp up support for partners during Wednesday's Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC) keynote.

What Gaps Does Microsoft Want Partners To Fill?

Understanding Microsoft's scorecard system is one way to figure out what partner deals Microsoft's sales reps currently value the most.