
Microsoft Settles with EC, Agrees To Offer Choice of Browsers

The European Commission on Wednesday ended its antitrust suit against Microsoft, accepting Redmond's agreement to allow users the choice of making any browser their default Web interface.

MaximumASP Posts Developer Playground

Hosting provider provides free server space and access to test ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010.

Microsoft Admits to Purloined Plurk Code

Microsoft confirmed on Tuesday that one of its software vendors copied code from a microblogging application called Plurk.

Adobe Investigating Zero-Day PDF Vulnerability

A "bug for all seasons" looks to be the legacy carved out for Adobe Systems as 2009 winds to a close.

Hardcopy Peripherals Market Slips Year-to-Year in Q3, But Gains Sequentially

IDC: In tough times, vendors are rewarding partners that can help them gain or retain share.

Microsoft Wheeling and Dealing

Microsoft makes some business moves in the fourth quarter of 2009.

Hotfixes Issued for Office 2003 Bug

Microsoft issued hotfixes on Friday to address problems some users were having with Microsoft Office 2003 files.

Microsoft Creates Server and Cloud Division

Microsoft formed a new organization within its Server and Tools Business last week called the Server and Cloud Division (SCD).

Amazon Auctions Off Cloud Capacity

Amazon has launched the beta for Spot Instances, which lets developers and customers bid for unused capacity on Amazon's EC2 service.

Google Reportedly To Offer Its Own Phone

Google is reportedly considering offering its own mobile phone based on the Android operating system as early as next year.

2009: The Year of the Social Media Hack

While social networking has opened new possibilities for communicating over the Internet, it also gives hackers more vectors through which to attack.

Microsoft To Acquire Sentillion

Looking to extend its presence in the growing field of health care IT, Microsoft Thursday said it will acquire Sentillion Inc. for an undisclosed sum.

IT Heavyweights Back Telecom Cloud Forum

The telecom industry has joined the effort to forge interoperability among cloud providers by forming a consortium backed by some key cloud providers, including Microsoft and IBM.

Oracle PartnerNetwork Specialized Debuts

New program includes partner specializations, resources and a bigger emphasis on social media.

Microsoft Taking Stock of Anti-Piracy Efforts

Microsoft uses a day in December to highlight its ongoing efforts to stop illegal reproductions.

Unix Server Sales Tumble

According to the latest tallies from Gartner and IDC, the Unix market continues to contract dramatically.

Microsoft: We Will Steal Google's Lunch

A Microsoft corporate vice president talked about the company's business prospects, including competition with Google, at a Barclays event on Tuesday.

December Microsoft Patch Contains Critical IE Fix

As expected, the last Windows Security Update of 2009 will include six security bulletins -- three dubbed "critical" and three labeled "important."

2010 a Boom Year for Cloud Computing?

If recent market research is any indication, computing in the clouds could achieve a breakthrough of sorts in 2010.

Office 2010 Migration Tools Released as Betas

Microsoft on Monday released betas of two new tools to help IT organizations with Office 2010 migrations.