Microsoft Partner Program

Windows Small Business Server 'Aurora' Preview Released

Microsoft announced on Monday that a "preview" of Windows Small Business Server codenamed "Aurora" is now available for download.

Microsoft Readying Releases of IE 9, MED-V, Opalis and CRM 2011

Microsoft this week provided notice of some upcoming product updates and betas to expect in the coming months.

Microsoft Releasing Windows Phone 7 to Developers

Microsoft's Windows Phone engineering team announced yesterday that Windows Phone 7 Series has reached the technical preview stage.

GFI Acquires Sunbelt Software, Expands Channel

GFI Software on Tuesday announced the acquisition of Clearwater, Fla.-based Sunbelt Software, a maker of Windows security products.

Microsoft Unveils Windows Small Business Server Previews

Microsoft on Monday announced two new "previews" to come for its Windows Small Business Server product suite.

Windows Intune Beta 2 Service Now Available

Microsoft rolled out a second beta of its Windows Intune service on Monday, but availability is limited.

'Gold' Gets New Life in the Microsoft Partner Network

Microsoft this week will announce it's bringing back 'gold' and 'silver' to the naming conventions used for partner levels.

New Assignments for Microsoft U.S. Channel Chiefs

Two weeks after announcing that global channel chief Allison Watson would switch jobs with Jon Roskill, Microsoft disclosed major changes within the U.S. partner organization.

Taking Another Look at the LAR-VAR Balance

An experiment with deal registration for Microsoft partners suggests that the company is looking for alternatives to its current reseller structure. As with many changes, this is fraught with both opportunity and risk.

Microsoft Starts Windows Embedded Update Service

Microsoft initiated a free Windows Embedded update service for device developers, which started on Monday.

Microsoft Cites Success of Novell Linux Interop Deal

Microsoft touted its operating system interoperability partnership with Novell on Monday.

Backup and Recovery -- What Are SMBs Waiting For?

In the battle to get customers to pay attention to backup and recovery offerings, it's important to know your enemy.

Microsoft IT Consolidates Outsourcing Contracts with Infosys

Deal puts much of Microsoft's IT operations into a global contract with major Indian SI.

HP To Lay Off 9,000

Hewlett-Packard announced Monday that it will lay off 9,000 workers after completing its new datacenters.

ERP, Dynamics and Convergence in the Cloud

Never before has the word "convergence" been so appropriate a description of enterprise-software offerings from Microsoft.