In-Depth Features

Planetary Domain

This manufacturing company is seeing its operations spread out around the planet and using Windows 2000 to tie it all together.

Amazing Stories

If your company's considering a migration or upgrade from Windows NT 4.0 to 2000, these true tales of woe and triumph will help you make the journey fearlessly.

Charting a New Course

Converting this college campus to a Windows 2000 network has definitely been a learning experience.

Incoming Wounded

The work of risk analysis—evaluating security threats, alerts and all-out panic attacks—is vital to keeping your network safe and sound and you sane.

Measuring Up MCPs

Anne Marie McSweeney, director of certification and skills assessment group at Microsoft, spoke to editors from Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine and during Fusion, the company's partner conference, which took place in Anaheim, California in July 2001.

Protocols and Types of Scans

A few things you should think about when evaluating vendors for network scanners.

How a Network Scan Can Improve Your Security

A scan can improve the security of your network, but be sure you know the law before you decide to do so.

Training Know-How

Consider going to the head of the class as a Microsoft Certified Trainer. This briefing tells you how.

Risky Business

The work of risk analysis—evaluating security threats, alerts and all-out panic attacks—is vital to keeping your network safe and sound and you sane.

How Secure is Your Network?

Seven network scanners test your security before the crackers do.

Resurrection from the Blue Screen of Death

In an ideal IT world, restoring data to a new server from a dead one wouldn't be a problem: Just rebuild the data and apps from your backup. Welcome to the less-than-perfect world of IT.

Resurrection, Step by Step

Don't let a blue screen stop you. Here's a guide to get your server back online quickly.

Windows 2000: Troubleshooting Shock Troops

Bow down before troubleshooting's greatest. These Compaq pros dispense their Windows 2000 wisdom to make you an expert on network repair.

A Few of My Favorite Things

Compaq knows a thing or two about troubleshooting large networks. Here are some of the utilities and programs it uses most and likes best for Windows 2000.

Sonic Boom! Windows 2002 Smashes the Barrier

The next version of Windows is a worthy upgrade from Windows 2000, addressing several weaknesses and adding needed functionality. A Windows expert briefs you on the features and the limitations.

Windows XP: The Most Stable Desktop OS Yet

Some quick basics about Windows XP, including reliability and recoverability.

Step on Boot Problems

Knowing exactly how your Windows 2000 Server starts up can get you out of some tight spots.

Weigh Your Training Options

You want a career in IT, but how do you get the skills? It's time to look at your IT training options.

Covering Cover Letters

Does your resume need a cover letter? If you insist, what traits make for an effective, attention-getting one?

Your Guide to Victory: True North on Your 70-240 Quest

You have one chance—and one chance only—to prove your expertise on Windows 2000. Here's what you need to understand to make sure you get through 70-240 victoriously.