In-Depth Features

Married to Mac Clients

Macs generally fare well on Windows, with compatible document formats and file-sharing technologies. The latest Mac OS works especially well in the Microsoft universe.

Troubleshooting Software Update Services

With Microsoft issuing a service pack for its new updating tool, here's what I've learned since writing my original article on implementing and troubleshooting Software Update Services.

Special Delivery

When it comes to distributing software upgrades, the options are many. Which one is best for you? We test five solutions to help you make the right choice.

Embracing Unix and Linux Desktops

These OSs work well on a Windows network when it comes to printing. File-sharing and e-mail, however, are more complicated.

Hailing Handhelds

Non-Windows CE-powered handhelds still have a way to go and can't be used for much more than messaging and basic remote access. Windows CE personal digital assistants, naturally, work much better in this regard.

Client-Side Interop

Rare is the company without non-Windows desktop clients. Yet getting Unix and Apple to connect to and access resources on a Windows-based network can be migraine-inducing. Here's your antidote.

Windows 2000 SP3 Top 10 Fixes

Along with hardware and software fixes, this patch addresses recent antitrust settlement compliance issues.

Shall We Dance? Lab Exercises for Windows Server 2003

Once you’ve set up your lab, these three exercises will help you and your team start learning how to use the operating system’s most intriguing new features.

What's the Password?

Tired of resetting passwords? These four self-service solutions allow users to do it for themselves.

Shall We Dance? Learning the Moves for Windows Server 2003

A solid test environment normally leads to a smooth rollout of a new operating system. Our enterprise expert guides you through the elements you’ll need to consider for setting up your organization’s lab.

Patching the Holes

Software Update Services is Microsoft’s new server for distributing hotfixes and patches across the enterprise. It’s also a tremendous time-saver.

Top Guns Under Fire

They were a smooth-running, well-oiled IT machine—then a sticky, application-specific problem tested their mettle.

What About NAS?

While SANs are networks that connect storage to servers, think of a NAS as a server with a lot of local storage.

Building the Perfect SAN

As prices continue to drop, storage area networks are becoming increasingly common. Here’s what you need to know to design and build your enterprise’s SAN. We’ve even done the testing for you.

IIS 6.0 Mature at Last

Microsoft’s Internet Information Server has struggled with performance and security issues its whole life. The latest version, though, shows just how far the Web server has come.

While You Were Sleeping

Tired of 3 a.m. trips to the office? Enjoy a good night’s rest with these five Web-based monitoring tools.

MOM—Everything Windows Including the Kitchen Sink

Committed to a true Microsoft monitoring solution? Microsoft Operations Manager 2000 may be for you.

Rip-Curl Redmond: Microsoft's Plans for the Future

Microsoft rules when it comes to monitoring conditions in tech. Yet, to surf the same waters, you need to read wave action—and Microsoft’s next moves—accurately, too.

Changing Addresses

Not too long ago, there were real fears that we’d run out of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for our networks. That’s not likely to happen with IPv6.

Policy Management Made Easy

Figuring out what group policies apply to an object on your Windows 2000 network can be a painstaking process; but Windows .NET’s Resultant Set of Policies feature promises simplification.